Code in ReadASCIIString tutorial doesn't work?

I that that the code in ReadASCIIString tutorial doesn't work. I tried to enter 127,127,127 or any values into the Serial Monitor but the RGB LED stays bright white and the Serial Monitor doesn't display the red, green, and blue values. Any suggestions?

Do you have Serial Monitor set to send a newline at then end of each line you send? The example code is expecting the newline.

Do you have Serial Monitor set to send a newline at then end of each line you send? The example code is expecting the newline.

I think step one for any serial debugging is to use a real terminal program. The Arduino serial monitor is seriously broken.

It doesn't support ANSI codes or simple codes (like ctrl-l) to clear the screen and it doesn't support carriage returns.

For example, try to write a program that constantly updates the SAME line by sending a CR only, then re-writing it... can't do that with the Arduino serial monitor.

It also is unreliable at 115K baud (and I know it's not my machine because I can do reliable 460800 baud with Minicom (linux) or Hyperterminal (Windows)).

I learned to hate the Arduino serial monitor when I tried to use it debugging a simple menu program. I couldn't clear the screen and write a new page. I thought I was making mistakes. I wasted almost a week searching Google and (re)reading printf formatting codes to figure out what "I" was doing wrong.

Then I tried Minicom (Linux) and it all worked fine.

I've since ditched the Arduino IDE altogether and simply compile my code (I mean "sketches") with AVR-GCC and a "universal" makefile.

Much easier... and I don't need that foolish "setup" and "loop" thing either.


Do you have Serial Monitor set to send a newline at then end of each line you send? The example code is expecting the newline.

I think step one for any serial debugging is to use a real terminal program. The Arduino serial monitor is seriously broken.

It doesn't support ANSI codes or simple codes (like ctrl-l) to clear the screen and it doesn't support carriage returns.

For example, try to write a program that constantly updates the SAME line by sending a CR only, then re-writing it... can't do that with the Arduino serial monitor.

It also is unreliable at 115K baud (and I know it's not my machine because I can do reliable 460800 baud with Minicom (linux) or Hyperterminal (Windows)).

I learned to hate the Arduino serial monitor when I tried to use it debugging a simple menu program. I couldn't clear the screen and write a new page. I thought I was making mistakes. I wasted almost a week searching Google and (re)reading printf formatting codes to figure out what "I" was doing wrong.

Then I tried Minicom (Linux) and it all worked fine.

I've since ditched the Arduino IDE altogether and simply compile my code (I mean "sketches") with AVR-GCC and a "universal" makefile.

Much easier... and I don't need that foolish "setup" and "loop" thing either.

THANK YOU! I went through the same issue! Serial.Print("whatever \r") does not work!!!!

can you suggest a serious terminal for win7?

I have the same problem on the LCD I am using the 2.2 TFT LCD display from Adafriut (Overview | 2.2" TFT Display | Adafruit Learning System) with
Adafruit_HX8340B libraries : I was not able to have the cursor stay on the same line, then I used the display.setCursor(0,0) command, and print the line again, but the LCD overwrites the characters, without clearing the previous ones, creating a mess...

Do you have an idea on how to clear a character or a line?

I've since ditched the Arduino IDE altogether and simply compile my code (I mean "sketches") with AVR-GCC and a "universal" makefile.

Much easier... and I don't need that foolish "setup" and "loop" thing either.

I think it's rather like having training wheels on your first bike. At first, it makes things much easier. But once you've got the hang of writing and building software, some of these little 'helpful' features (like the pre-processing the IDE applies to your code) can end up getting in the way rather than helping.