Code problems, help!

O, I am using this code and I am having an error message "Expected unquallified-id on line 28

#include <RedBot.h>
RedBotSensor left = RedBotSensor(A3); // initialize a left sensor object on A3
RedBotSensor center = RedBotSensor(A6); // initialize a center sensor object on A6
RedBotSensor right = RedBotSensor(A7); // initialize a right sensor object on A7

// constants that are used in the code. LINETHRESHOLD is the level to detect
// if the sensor is on the line or not. If the sensor value is greater than this
// the sensor is above a DARK line.
// SPEED sets the nominal speed

#define SPEED 60 // sets the nominal speed. Set to any number from 0 - 255.

RedBotMotors motors;
int leftSpeed; // variable used to store the leftMotor speed
int rightSpeed; // variable used to store the rightMotor speed

void setup()
Serial.println("Welcome to experiment 6.2 - Line Following");
Serial.println("IR Sensor Readings: ");
{ irDetectLeft; VAR; Bit ' Left IR reading;
irDetectRight; VAR; Bit ' Right IR reading;
pulseLeft VAR Word ' pulse values for servos
pulseRight VAR Word
' -----[ Initialization ]----------------------------------------------
DEBUG "Program Running!"
FREQOUT 4, 2000, 3000 ' Signal start/reset.
' -----[ Main Routine ]------------------------------------------------
' Spin around slowly until an object is spotted
PULSOUT 13, 790 ' Rotate slowly
PULSOUT 12, 790
PAUSE 15 ' 5 ms for detectors
GOSUB Check_IRs ' While looking for object
LOOP UNTIL (irDetectLeft = 0) OR (irDetectRight = 0)
' Now figure out exactly where the object is and go toward it
' Object in both detectors -- go forward
IF (irDetectLeft = 0) AND (irDetectRight = 0) THEN
pulseLeft = 850 ' Forward
pulseRight = 650
' Object on left - go left
ELSEIF (irDetectLeft = 0) THEN
pulseLeft = 650 ' Left toward object
pulseRight = 650
' Object on right - go right
ELSEIF (irDetectRight = 0) THEN
pulseLeft = 850 ' Right toward object
pulseRight = 850
' No object -- go forward anyway, because the detectors will
ELSE ' momentarily show
pulseLeft = 850 ' "no object" as the
pulseRight = 650 ' Boe-Bot is adjusting
ENDIF ' its position.
PULSOUT 13,pulseLeft ' Apply the pulse.
PULSOUT 12,pulseRight
PAUSE 15 ' 5 ms for detectors
' Check IRs again in case object is moving
' -----[ Subroutines ] ------------------------------------------------
FREQOUT 8, 1, 38500 ' Check IR Detectors
irDetectLeft = IN9
FREQOUT 2, 1, 38500
IrDetectRight = IN0

void loop()


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Most of your code appears to have been copied from a PICBasic program and cannot work on an Arduino.
(Back to the drawing board, I'm afraid. :frowning: )

All C/C++ code must be in a function with a name and a return type.

Furthermore, LOOP, GOSUB, and several other things in this program are not normally acceptable code.

As fine an example of cargo cult programming as I have ever seen.

Cargo Cult Programming
Voodoo Chicken Coding

As fine an example of cargo cult programming as I have ever seen.

Cargo Cult Programming
Voodoo Chicken Coding

Except that "Voodoo Chicken Coding" is defined as code that actually works in the end.

This results, typically, in a lot of cut-and-pasting from other code that does something similar, but works; arbitrary reordering of statements; and other tricks.
Eventually, the program works, but there is no understanding of why.

Not much chance of that here. :smiley:
(Most of it would almost work in my PICBasic Pro compiler for PIC chips though, if that counts for anything.)