Code Proof Reader Requested, Schematics Included

Hi Community,

I'm a beginner. I've had a handful of success, but this one is beyond me so far. I am using Tom Igoe's button code to turn on an RGB LED to full brightness. Nothing complicated there and it works. In a separate project, I have successfully duplicated John Boxall's Clock Two project. My goal is to build both projects into one housing using an Arduino Nano. I have included pictures a similar housing with another project I have done. So far I haven't had any luck. Below is the pieced together code and a Fritzing schematic of what I have put together. I easily understand the button code, but the clock code is completely beyond my skills so I only shortened the delay time before the clock shows the time again. I have done my best to keep everything I've done clear with notes. If you can help, that would be great.

Here are the original links to the code authors:

Thanks again for any help at all. I have never posted on a forum before, because the amount of annoyed feedback I have read from other forum questions has created a phobia for me. Ha!

clocktwo_with_flashlight.ino (9.49 KB)

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Your push buttons are wired up wrong. They will not be able to change the input pins.

That is not a schematic it is a physical layout diagram and in general this is a bit useless.
But in this case it clearly shows your push button is shorted out by the bread board track and the resistors are in series with the signal line instead of acting as a pull up or pull down resistor.
