Hi, we are 2 students and we have a final project. We have to remake the Robot Curiosity.
We decided to make a 4 wheels robot and control it with an Arduino uno.
It's 2 groups of 2 wheels so if you have a code for a 2 wheels robot , it will be the same for us.
The problem is : we are two beginners in the Arduino Language and we don't know how to begin the code..
If you could just give us some help , that would be very cool!
Last thing : we are french so try to explain as best as possible. XD (By the way, excuse us if there is some mistakes..)
Thanks !
Hi, we are 2 students and we have a final project.
A final project in what course? If it is a mechanical engineering course, with the goal of producing functioning hardware that someone else can program, then asking for code might be reasonable.
If it's some kind of computer science course, then asking for code is cheating.
No , it's not a science course! Teacher give us different project. Our is to remake the robot curiosity , and to do it we need to make a code in Arduino and we know nothing about it. Our teacher said that posting on forum to search help was a good idea so no it's not cheating
We are a group of 4 persons, 2 for mechanical part and 2 for electronic part so here we don't care about the mechanical aspect, we just care about the code in Arduino! Please
Probably the quickest and easiest way to make a rolling bot is to drive the wheels with continuous rotation servos. Use google and youtube to find what and how others have made similar robots. I would suggest computer wireless wifi for control and possible live video feed from the bot.
BZZZZZZT. Wrong.... You need inter-disciplinary collaboration....
Problem is, you can't code anything until you have the physical design done. You need to start with the motors, then (probably/maybe) have a board or shield to interface them to the Arduino, then signal the board / shield accordingly.
If the motors are small DCs they get controlled one way, servos another, steppers yet another.
Then if it's DCs say, do they require reversing? If so, h-bridge required, if not well maybe not.
I said we don't care about mechanical aspect because we don't need help on this! Ofc we are in collaboration with the other part, we work with them in class. For the mechanical part we are ok , we don't need help, we are working on this but our job (my partner and me) is to make the electronic and in same time to help the two others if they need on mechanical part. The problem is for the code, we don't know the arduino language, no one of us!
We got 4 motors , and we need to know how to connect them with the Arduino Uno and then how to do the code.
Thanks for your answers guys!