Coder required for home project (with ham radio backround )- Updated !!

Hi there

Looking for someone with ham radio back round that can help out making some modifications and additions to some code i have for a mega controller based on a project ARDUINO PROJECTS

Willing to pay you for the coding .. :slight_smile:

Give me a shout via my email address

Sam zs6sam

I would potentially do it depending on what changes you have in mind. Depending on what changes you want I would charge between $150 and $300 USD for the job and it depends how long it would take me to complete the project depending on the complexity and amount of changes needed. Also do I need to assemble and test the device here in the US or how would that work....


Hi Luke

Thanks for the reply its been a while my apologies i dont know if you would be interested i have more information on the project.
give me a buzz please then we can chat, have a great day.

You mentioned in your first post that you wanted to be contacted by email. I am unable to find your email address...

Still looking for a coder :frowning:

The project

did you find anyone?