Hi, so first of im not the best at coding and not sure where to go from here, if you guys could help that would be great!
I made some equations on MATLAB where it had alot of variables and equations, how do implement this so the two variable i get out that control two servos, use them to move? Any help on where to go from here would be awesome
here is the code:
%=========== Scientific Constants ===========
g = 9.81; % m.s^-2
%%========= Spring Constants (g/mm) =========
k1 = 338.28;
k2 = 338.28;
%%============== Masses (kg)=================
S2 = 0.135;
L = 50;
m1 = 192.14;
m2 = 164.44;
m3 = 89.5;
m4 = 39.62;
m5 = 80; % Is a spring
m6 = 80; % Is a spring
%%== Angles (would be sampled from servos) ==
theta1 = pi () / 3;
theta2 = pi () / 6;
%%=============== Arm Lenghts ===============
r1 = 224.5;
r2 = 370;
r3 = 210;
r4 = 70;
A1A3 = 69.5; % Line from joint A1 to A3 (intersection of r1 and r4)
R1_1 = 75; % Length of arm r1 beyond point A1
%%============ Calculated Angles ============
sinT1 = sin (theta1);
sinT2 = sin (theta2);
%%======== Calculated Arm Lengths ===========
b1 = R1_1;
b2 = r4;
R1 = 0.5 * r1 - 0.5 * R1_1;
R2 = 0.5 * r2 - 0.5 * r4;
%=========== Calculated Moments =============
ML1 = L * r2 * sinT2;
ML2 = L * r2 * sinT2 + L * r1 * sinT1; %Moments around Load
MAR1 = m1 * R1 * sinT1; %Moments around ARM R1
MR21 = m2 * r1 * sinT1 + m2 * R2 * sinT2; %Moments around ARM R2
MR22 = m2 * r2 * sinT2;
MR31 = m3 * 0.5 * r3 * sinT1 - m3 * r4 * sinT2; %Moments around ARM R3
MR32 = m3 * 0.5 * r3 * sinT1 - m3 * r4 * sinT2 - m3 * r1 * sinT1;
%------------------------------------- %Moments around ARM R4
MR41 = m4 * A1A3 * sinT1 - m4 * 0.5 * r4 * sinT2;
MR42 = m4 * A1A3 * sinT1 - m4 * 0.5 * r4 * sinT2 - m4 * r1 * sinT1;
%------------------------------------- %Moments around ARM R5
MR51 = m5 * 0.5 * R1_1 * sinT1;
%------------------------------------- %Moments around ARM R6
MR61 = -m6 * 0.5 * r4 * sinT2;
MR62 = -m6 * 0.5 * r4 * sinT2 - m6 * r1 * sinT1;
%------------------------------------- %Moments around Servo 2
MRS = S2 * r1 * sinT1;
%=========== Spring Equations ==============
C1 = ((ML1+MAR1+MR21+MR31+MR41+MR51+MR61+MRS)/(k1b1sinT1))
Step 1 is to change the "%" at the start of each comment to "//" to make them C++ comments
Step 2 is to declare the type of each variable. Many will be 'float'. Some appear to be 'int'.
Step 3: Change 'pi()' to PI
Step 4: Add the required setup() and loop() functions.
Step 5: Decide what the undeclared 'disp()' function is supposed to do and declare it.
That is where I get stuck. Here is everything up to Step 5:
//=========== Scientific Constants ===========
const float g = 9.81;Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â // m.s ^ -2
//========= Spring Constants (g/mm) =========
const float k1 = 338.28;
const float k2 = 338.28;
//============== Masses (kg)=================
const float S2 = 0.135;
const int L = 50;
const float m1 = 192.14;
const float m2 = 164.44;
const float m3 = 89.5;
const float m4 = 39.62;
const int m5 = 80;Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â // Is a spring
const int m6 = 80;Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â // Is a spring
// == Angles (would be sampled from servos) ==
const float theta1 = PI / 3;
const float theta2 = PI / 6;
//=============== Arm Lenghts ===============
const float r1 = 224.5;
const int r2 = 370;
const int r3 = 210;
const int r4 = 70;
const float A1A3 = 69.5;Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â // Line from joint A1 to A3 (intersection of r1 and r4)
const int R1_1 = 75;Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â // Length of arm r1 beyond point A1
//============ Calculated Angles ============
const float sinT1 = sin (theta1);
const float sinT2 = sin (theta2);
//======== Calculated Arm Lengths ===========
const int b1 = R1_1;
const int b2 = r4;
const float R1 = 0.5 * r1 - 0.5 * R1_1;
const float R2 = 0.5 * r2 - 0.5 * r4;
//=========== Calculated Moments =============
const float ML1 = L * r2 * sinT2;
const float ML2 = L * r2 * sinT2 + L * r1 * sinT1;Â Â Â Â Â // Moments around Load
const float MAR1 = m1 * R1 * sinT1;Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â // Moments around ARM R1
const float MR21 = m2 * r1 * sinT1 + m2 * R2 * sinT2;Â Â Â Â // Moments around ARM R2
const float MR22 = m2 * r2 * sinT2;
const float MR31 = m3 * 0.5 * r3 * sinT1 - m3 * r4 * sinT2;Â // Moments around ARM R3
const float MR32 = m3 * 0.5 * r3 * sinT1 - m3 * r4 * sinT2 - m3 * r1 * sinT1;
//-------------------------------------Â Â Â Â Â // Moments around ARM R4
const float MR41 = m4 * A1A3 * sinT1 - m4 * 0.5 * r4 * sinT2;
const float MR42 = m4 * A1A3 * sinT1 - m4 * 0.5 * r4 * sinT2 - m4 * r1 * sinT1;
//-------------------------------------Â Â Â Â Â // Moments around ARM R5
const float MR51 = m5 * 0.5 * R1_1 * sinT1;
//-------------------------------------Â Â Â Â Â // Moments around ARM R6
const float MR61 = -m6 * 0.5 * r4 * sinT2;
const float MR62 = -m6 * 0.5 * r4 * sinT2 - m6 * r1 * sinT1;
//-------------------------------------Â Â Â Â Â // Moments around Servo 2
const float MRS = S2 * r1 * sinT1;
//=========== Spring Equations ==============
const float C1 = ((ML1 + MAR1 + MR21 + MR31 + MR41 + MR51 + MR61 + MRS) / (k1*b1*sinT1));
const float C2 = ((ML2 + MR22 + MR32 + MR42 + MR61 + MR62) / (k2*b2*sinT2));
void setup() {
void loop() {}
If those calculations would have enough precision with single precision floating point, you could use a Teensy 3.6 which has hardware single-precision floating point.