Coding help for Implementing formulas etc.

Hi, so first of im not the best at coding and not sure where to go from here, if you guys could help that would be great!

I made some equations on MATLAB where it had alot of variables and equations, how do implement this so the two variable i get out that control two servos, use them to move? Any help on where to go from here would be awesome :slight_smile:


here is the code:

%=========== Scientific Constants ===========
g = 9.81; % m.s^-2
%%========= Spring Constants (g/mm) =========
k1 = 338.28;
k2 = 338.28;
%%============== Masses (kg)=================
S2 = 0.135;
L = 50;
m1 = 192.14;
m2 = 164.44;
m3 = 89.5;
m4 = 39.62;
m5 = 80; % Is a spring
m6 = 80; % Is a spring
%%== Angles (would be sampled from servos) ==
theta1 = pi () / 3;
theta2 = pi () / 6;
%%=============== Arm Lenghts ===============
r1 = 224.5;
r2 = 370;
r3 = 210;
r4 = 70;
A1A3 = 69.5; % Line from joint A1 to A3 (intersection of r1 and r4)
R1_1 = 75; % Length of arm r1 beyond point A1
%%============ Calculated Angles ============
sinT1 = sin (theta1);
sinT2 = sin (theta2);
%%======== Calculated Arm Lengths ===========
b1 = R1_1;
b2 = r4;
R1 = 0.5 * r1 - 0.5 * R1_1;
R2 = 0.5 * r2 - 0.5 * r4;
%=========== Calculated Moments =============
ML1 = L * r2 * sinT2;
ML2 = L * r2 * sinT2 + L * r1 * sinT1; %Moments around Load
MAR1 = m1 * R1 * sinT1; %Moments around ARM R1
MR21 = m2 * r1 * sinT1 + m2 * R2 * sinT2; %Moments around ARM R2
MR22 = m2 * r2 * sinT2;
MR31 = m3 * 0.5 * r3 * sinT1 - m3 * r4 * sinT2; %Moments around ARM R3
MR32 = m3 * 0.5 * r3 * sinT1 - m3 * r4 * sinT2 - m3 * r1 * sinT1;
%------------------------------------- %Moments around ARM R4
MR41 = m4 * A1A3 * sinT1 - m4 * 0.5 * r4 * sinT2;
MR42 = m4 * A1A3 * sinT1 - m4 * 0.5 * r4 * sinT2 - m4 * r1 * sinT1;
%------------------------------------- %Moments around ARM R5
MR51 = m5 * 0.5 * R1_1 * sinT1;
%------------------------------------- %Moments around ARM R6
MR61 = -m6 * 0.5 * r4 * sinT2;
MR62 = -m6 * 0.5 * r4 * sinT2 - m6 * r1 * sinT1;
%------------------------------------- %Moments around Servo 2
MRS = S2 * r1 * sinT1;
%=========== Spring Equations ==============
C1 = ((ML1+MAR1+MR21+MR31+MR41+MR51+MR61+MRS)/(k1b1sinT1))

C2 = ((ML2+MR22+MR32+MR42+MR61+MR62)/(k2b2sinT2))

I hope you don't need to move fast, because all those calculations will take a LOOOOOOOONG time on an Arduino....

Ray L.

Its for a robotic arm, do you have a solution on how to code this in a more simplistic way?



Step 1 is to change the "%" at the start of each comment to "//" to make them C++ comments

Step 2 is to declare the type of each variable. Many will be 'float'. Some appear to be 'int'.

Step 3: Change 'pi()' to PI

Step 4: Add the required setup() and loop() functions.

Step 5: Decide what the undeclared 'disp()' function is supposed to do and declare it.

That is where I get stuck. Here is everything up to Step 5:

//=========== Scientific Constants ===========
const float g = 9.81;                                      // m.s ^ -2
//========= Spring Constants (g/mm) =========
const float k1 = 338.28;
const float k2 = 338.28;
//============== Masses (kg)=================
const float S2 = 0.135;
const int L = 50;
const float m1 = 192.14;
const float m2 = 164.44;
const float m3 = 89.5;
const float m4 = 39.62;
const int m5 = 80;                                       // Is a spring
const int m6 = 80;                                        // Is a spring
// == Angles (would be sampled from servos) ==
const float theta1 = PI / 3;
const float theta2 = PI / 6;
//=============== Arm Lenghts ===============
const float r1 = 224.5;
const int r2 = 370;
const int r3 = 210;
const int r4 = 70;
const float A1A3 = 69.5;                        // Line from joint A1 to A3 (intersection of r1 and r4)
const int R1_1 = 75;                                      // Length of arm r1 beyond point A1
//============ Calculated Angles ============
const float sinT1 = sin (theta1);
const float sinT2 = sin (theta2);
//======== Calculated Arm Lengths ===========
const int b1 = R1_1;
const int b2 = r4;
const float R1 = 0.5 * r1 - 0.5 * R1_1;
const float R2 = 0.5 * r2 - 0.5 * r4;
//=========== Calculated Moments =============
const float ML1 = L * r2 * sinT2;
const float ML2 = L * r2 * sinT2 + L * r1 * sinT1;          // Moments around Load
const float MAR1 = m1 * R1 * sinT1;                         // Moments around ARM R1
const float MR21 = m2 * r1 * sinT1 + m2 * R2 * sinT2;       // Moments around ARM R2
const float MR22 = m2 * r2 * sinT2;
const float MR31 = m3 * 0.5 * r3 * sinT1 - m3 * r4 * sinT2;  // Moments around ARM R3
const float MR32 = m3 * 0.5 * r3 * sinT1 - m3 * r4 * sinT2 - m3 * r1 * sinT1;
//-------------------------------------          // Moments around ARM R4
const float MR41 = m4 * A1A3 * sinT1 - m4 * 0.5 * r4 * sinT2;
const float MR42 = m4 * A1A3 * sinT1 - m4 * 0.5 * r4 * sinT2 - m4 * r1 * sinT1;
//-------------------------------------          // Moments around ARM R5
const float MR51 = m5 * 0.5 * R1_1 * sinT1;
//-------------------------------------          // Moments around ARM R6
const float MR61 = -m6 * 0.5 * r4 * sinT2;
const float MR62 = -m6 * 0.5 * r4 * sinT2 - m6 * r1 * sinT1;
//-------------------------------------          // Moments around Servo 2
const float MRS = S2 * r1 * sinT1;
//=========== Spring Equations ==============
const float C1 = ((ML1 + MAR1 + MR21 + MR31 + MR41 + MR51 + MR61 + MRS) / (k1*b1*sinT1));

const float C2 = ((ML2 + MR22 + MR32 + MR42 + MR61 + MR62) / (k2*b2*sinT2));

void setup() {
void loop() {}

If those calculations would have enough precision with single precision floating point, you could use a Teensy 3.6 which has hardware single-precision floating point.


Step 1 is to change the "%" at the start of each comment to "//" to make them C++ comments

Step 2 is to declare the type of each variable. Many will be 'float'. Some appear to be 'int'.

Step 3: Change 'pi()' to PI

Step 4: Add the required setup() and loop() functions.

Step 5: Decide what the undeclared 'disp()' function is supposed to do and declare it.

That is where I get stuck. Here is everything up to Step 5:

//=========== Scientific Constants ===========

const float g = 9.81;                                      // m.s ^ -2
//========= Spring Constants (g/mm) =========
const float k1 = 338.28;
const float k2 = 338.28;
//============== Masses (kg)=================
const float S2 = 0.135;
const int L = 50;
const float m1 = 192.14;
const float m2 = 164.44;
const float m3 = 89.5;
const float m4 = 39.62;
const int m5 = 80;                                      // Is a spring
const int m6 = 80;                                        // Is a spring
// == Angles (would be sampled from servos) ==
const float theta1 = PI / 3;
const float theta2 = PI / 6;
//=============== Arm Lenghts ===============
const float r1 = 224.5;
const int r2 = 370;
const int r3 = 210;
const int r4 = 70;
const float A1A3 = 69.5;                        // Line from joint A1 to A3 (intersection of r1 and r4)
const int R1_1 = 75;                                      // Length of arm r1 beyond point A1
//============ Calculated Angles ============
const float sinT1 = sin (theta1);
const float sinT2 = sin (theta2);
//======== Calculated Arm Lengths ===========
const int b1 = R1_1;
const int b2 = r4;
const float R1 = 0.5 * r1 - 0.5 * R1_1;
const float R2 = 0.5 * r2 - 0.5 * r4;
//=========== Calculated Moments =============
const float ML1 = L * r2 * sinT2;
const float ML2 = L * r2 * sinT2 + L * r1 * sinT1;          // Moments around Load
const float MAR1 = m1 * R1 * sinT1;                        // Moments around ARM R1
const float MR21 = m2 * r1 * sinT1 + m2 * R2 * sinT2;      // Moments around ARM R2
const float MR22 = m2 * r2 * sinT2;
const float MR31 = m3 * 0.5 * r3 * sinT1 - m3 * r4 * sinT2;  // Moments around ARM R3
const float MR32 = m3 * 0.5 * r3 * sinT1 - m3 * r4 * sinT2 - m3 * r1 * sinT1;
//-------------------------------------          // Moments around ARM R4
const float MR41 = m4 * A1A3 * sinT1 - m4 * 0.5 * r4 * sinT2;
const float MR42 = m4 * A1A3 * sinT1 - m4 * 0.5 * r4 * sinT2 - m4 * r1 * sinT1;
//-------------------------------------          // Moments around ARM R5
const float MR51 = m5 * 0.5 * R1_1 * sinT1;
//-------------------------------------          // Moments around ARM R6
const float MR61 = -m6 * 0.5 * r4 * sinT2;
const float MR62 = -m6 * 0.5 * r4 * sinT2 - m6 * r1 * sinT1;
//-------------------------------------          // Moments around Servo 2
const float MRS = S2 * r1 * sinT1;
//=========== Spring Equations ==============
const float C1 = ((ML1 + MAR1 + MR21 + MR31 + MR41 + MR51 + MR61 + MRS) / (k1b1sinT1));

const float C2 = ((ML2 + MR22 + MR32 + MR42 + MR61 + MR62) / (k2b2sinT2));

void setup() {
void loop() {}

Awesome thanks, maybe just do a serial.print so i can verify i get the correct output. thanks for your help and time :slight_smile: