Coding Issues with Buttons

Hello, everyone! I've been lurking the forums for a while, and decided to make an account so I could ask for some help.

For a project, I'm trying to make a program that plays one song when one button is pressed, another when the other button is pressed, and a third when both buttons are pressed. It's confusing reading it like that, but I hope someone understands.

Sometimes the project plays randomly. Sometimes it doesn't play. The third song only plays the first two notes. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.

I've put my code in below. Sorry it's a huge wall of code. Thanks!

// Setup pin numbers and names, make things easy
const int buttonPin2 = 11;
const int buttonPin = 12;
int Buzzer1 = 13;
const int redLight1 = 1;
const int redLight2 = 2;
const int redLight3 = 3;
const int yellowLight1 = 4;
const int yellowLight2 = 5;
const int yellowLight3 = 6;
const int blueLight1 = 7;
const int blueLight2 = 8;
const int blueLight3 = 9;
const int greenLight1 = 10;

// variables will change:
int buttonState = 0; // Variable for reading the button status

void setup() {
// Buzzer is an output
pinMode(Buzzer1, OUTPUT);
// Buttons are inputs
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
pinMode(buttonPin2, INPUT);
// All the lights are outputs
pinMode(redLight1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redLight2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redLight3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(yellowLight1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(yellowLight2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(yellowLight3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(blueLight1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(blueLight2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(blueLight3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(greenLight1, OUTPUT);

void loop(){
// Read the button states
buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);

buttonState2 = digitalRead(buttonPin2);

// Initialize the first song when only the first button is pressed.
if (buttonState == HIGH && buttonState2 == LOW)

// Play the music. One light plays per note, some notes play two notes.
// The song is a simple C scale up. Nothing fancy.
tone(Buzzer1,262, 200);
digitalWrite(redLight1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(redLight2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(redLight1, LOW);
digitalWrite(redLight2, LOW);
tone(Buzzer1,294, 200);
digitalWrite(redLight3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(redLight3, LOW);
tone(Buzzer1,330, 200);
digitalWrite(yellowLight1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(yellowLight2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(yellowLight1, LOW);
digitalWrite(yellowLight2, LOW);
tone(Buzzer1,349, 200);
digitalWrite(yellowLight3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(yellowLight3, LOW);
tone(Buzzer1,392, 200);
digitalWrite(blueLight1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(blueLight1, LOW);
tone(Buzzer1,440, 200);
digitalWrite(blueLight2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(blueLight2, LOW);
tone(Buzzer1,494, 200);
digitalWrite(blueLight3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(blueLight3, LOW);
digitalWrite(greenLight1, HIGH);
tone(Buzzer1,523, 200);
digitalWrite(greenLight1, LOW);

// Play the second song when the second button is pressed.
// Song is a C scale down. Opposite of the first song.
if (buttonState2 == HIGH && buttonState == LOW) {
// Play the music.
// Same as before. One light turns on for most notes, some notes have two lights.
tone(Buzzer1,523, 200);
digitalWrite(greenLight1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(greenLight1, LOW);
tone(Buzzer1,494, 200);
digitalWrite(blueLight3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(blueLight2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(blueLight3, LOW);
digitalWrite(blueLight2, LOW);
tone(Buzzer1,440, 200);
digitalWrite(blueLight1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(blueLight1, LOW);
tone(Buzzer1,392, 200);
digitalWrite(yellowLight3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(yellowLight3, LOW);
tone(Buzzer1,349, 200);
digitalWrite(yellowLight2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(yellowLight2, LOW);
tone(Buzzer1,330, 200);
digitalWrite(yellowLight1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(yellowLight1, LOW);
tone(Buzzer1,294, 200);
digitalWrite(redLight3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(redLight2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(redLight3, LOW);
digitalWrite(redLight2, LOW);
tone(Buzzer1,262, 200);
digitalWrite(redLight1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(redLight1, LOW);

// Establish that nothing happens when neither button is pressed. Green light is just a placeholder.
if (buttonState2 == LOW && buttonState == LOW) {
digitalWrite(greenLight1, LOW);

// Play the third song when both buttons are pressed.
// Song is supposed to be 'All Star' by Smash Mouth.
if (buttonState2 == HIGH && buttonState == HIGH) {
// This one has no lights, at least not yet. We'll get those in later.
tone(Buzzer1,294, 100);
tone(Buzzer1,294, 100);
tone(Buzzer1,330, 200);
tone(Buzzer1,294, 200);
tone(Buzzer1,392, 200);
tone(Buzzer1,349, 400);
tone(Buzzer1,294, 100);
tone(Buzzer1,294, 100);
tone(Buzzer1,330, 200);
tone(Buzzer1,294, 200);
tone(Buzzer1,440, 200);
tone(Buzzer1,392, 400);


// That's all, folks!

Standard question : how are the buttons wired ?
What, if anything, keeps them LOW when not pressed ?

The likelihood of both switches being pressed at the same time is extremely low. When you do look at the switches, which isn't very often, you expect them to both be pressed in order to trigger some functionality.

Adding a suffix to one variable in a set is annoying. Suffix them both or use different names.

You realize, I hope, that tone() is not a blocking function. If you want tone() to play a tone for n milliseconds, you can not call tone() again until that n milliseconds has passed.

Update: The issue was that one of the resistors wasn't strong enough. Thank you for all the help, guys!

Update: The issue was that one of the resistors wasn't strong enough. Thank you for all the help, guys!

Would that be one of the resistors that you never mentioned before ?

IIRC, tone() doesn't block. So in "All Star" it'll run through that first block in an instant and play 349 for 200 ms, then blast through the second block the same way and play 394 for 200 ms.