i have a few questions, im going to try to convert a normal coffe grinder to a timed one with 3 to 4 presets.
im thinking going with a uno board and then mount 4 push buttons wich switch a relais for the programed time (one button needs to be press and hold to grind continuesly)
but the thing is i have verry limeted experience with this kind of stuff (would be first aruino project, have a bit of electronics expiriens) so if you guys can give me some help that would be great.
You need to start by collecting the necessary information and posting it.
Without any information about the grinder motor , your project design
will be difficult. Post photos of the motor or motor model # or something
(product model #) to start with.
The switch programming is fairly straightforward but the motor control
requires some specifics. Post whatever information you have about the
but i was thinking if i just use a relais to switch the motor (runs on 240 volt with some other crap infront) that should work, custhe relais would take the place of the on of switch (standard square style rocker)
but pleas correct me if ime wrong
think of it like a small timmer that when a button is pressed it powers a normal wall socket for an X amount of time, but only directly wired in to the machine. also the "crap" infront of the motor i belive is to raise the amps (motor has a high torque and verry low rpm
No. A relay would work. So what do you need ? Have you done no research online about arduino relay circuits ? Have you done ANY research at all ? Have you NOT heard of Google ?
but the thing is i have verry limeted experience with this kind of stuff (would be first aruino project, have a bit of electronics expiriens) so if you guys can give me some help that would be great.
We don't mind helping you but for pete's sake, at least make an effort to research your topic before posting .
dang im sorry but as i said i only have experience in creating standerd mains circuits and stuff + not a natif english speaker so a lot of technical terms can get me confused easely.
but than again i have seachd for simular projects/ circuits but havent been able to find much, so i realy do apriciate al the help, thanks for correcting me on the relay thing this will help alot
There is bound to be a relay that suits the voltage and current.
custhe relais would take the place of the on of switch (standard square style rocker)
But to me the problem will be the bypassing of the grinder's built-in rocker. If it were a toggle switch, you could leave it in the "on" position and have the relay switch the supply from the wall. The rocker will be normally off, so you still somehow have to spoof it into thinking the rocker is pressed when the relay is closed. Surely this is going to require getting inside the machine at the wiring to get the relay in parallel with the switch? All sorts of dangers abound....
The programming's the easy part: messing with mains wiring is best left to those who know what they're doing.
(My Moulinex grinder's switch is a safety mechanism: you have to have the dome on and press the dome down to operate it, so it's impossible to shorten your fingers....)