Coin Acceptor 10 drops is to 1 output pulse

Hi Everyone, i was wondering if anyone can help me, or give me an idea on how to do a sketch, or give me a sample sketch,,, that lets 10 tokens/coins drops from the coin acceptor before it outputs 1 pulse... or an led blinks or lits right after you have dropped 10 coins, i tried googling but dont seen to find any answers on this, im still a starter in arduino, so any help will be very much appreciated...tnx in advance

Do you have a "coin acceptor" and know how to connect it up so you can tell when a coin drops ?

If so just add 1 to a count each time and check if the count is 10 yet. If it is reset the count and do whatever it is you want to do.

If you want more help please provide details of the "coin acceptor" you're using and how it connects and works.
