Coin Acceptor and Arduino

I need to use arduino with a coin acceptor and note acceptor?
I think to use a CH-925 and GBA ST2. So I am asking if they are compatible with arduino UNO?
Or can you recommend me better products?

You will need to post links to the datasheets for the devices you are interested in.


Do you have any experience with coin/bill acceptors or coin operated machines? If so, this looks pretty simple...

I took a quick look at these and it looks like they put-out a series of pulses and are programmable (so if you want 5 pulses to represent a quarter, you can program it to do that, etc.). The bill acceptor has has an optional RS-232 interface.

You'd need a voltage divider (2 resistors) to knock-down the 12V pulse to 5V for the Arduino. You just run that into an Arduino digital input and you're done with the input-hardware.

If you want to use RS-232 the Arduino can easily handle the software, but you need an additional driver for the RS-232 hardware protocol.

Yeah I have tested a coin acceptor with a timer control board, it was JY 923, but this one won't to work with my arduino UNO. That's why I am asking if there is another coin acceptor that work good with Arduino UNO.
I used interrupts pin and got a mess of data. I will try to use digital pin as DVDoug said. a post on instructable website use the CH-926, I hope that the CH-925 work the same.