collect2.exe: error: ld returned 5 exit status

Hey guys,
I just purchased an arduino uno clone. I wanted to test it by compiling one of the example codes but i keep getting this error for every program.

collect2.exe: error: ld returned 5 exit status

exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino/Genuino Uno


and yes, i have checked in the verbose outputs.
Please help me out. I have a project due. ]

Search Arduino forums on the subject "ld returned exit 5 status": there are a few very good threads on this issue. I had it too and got it solved thru this forum.
Reason is usage of Windows XP most of the time.

I did look into those threads. The thing is that I am using windows 7 and I am still getting the error.

Oeps, then I am out of ideas. I run 3 W7 and 1 W8.1 computers and nowhere do I have this issue.

I would say, as most helpdesks do in this instance: ctrl-alt-delete, and reinstall 8)

It is not just arduino software. When i tried to write the same blink code to uno from matlab, my ld.exe kept crashing.

So, I tried everything from the other threads like replacing ld.exe, running on compatibility mode and installing an older version of arduino from . I still get the error no matter what the program is. Btw I am using windows 8 pro. can someone please help me out?

Have you tried using the hourly build of the Arduino IDE?

Or Portable installation ?

So, I tried everything from the other threads like replacing ld.exe, running on compatibility mode and installing an older version of arduino from . I still get the error no matter what the program is. Btw I am using windows 8 pro. can someone please help me out?

Are you on W8 or W8.1?

Check Device Manager: when the Arduino is plugged in, no yellow exclamation marks? Drivers installed properly?

hey guys,
thank you for the help. The hourly update version works without errors.