hope you are all doing well?
Think for problem is next:
friend and me got a project in which we have to get frequency of sound and then plot it (will do it via python, not problem)
we have hw 484 v0.2 sensor module ky-038. saw few video on yt how to do it and problem is that number that I read with analogRead()is alway around 530 - 540.
questions are:
how to get different number (i try to change that input with different object by tapping on them - no success)
also any tips how would you change measure frequency with that. is even possible?
To make things more complicated: did you bother to read the posting instructions?
If so: did you take any action on that?
A 1000 things may be wrong....
If you would post a schematic and code, we might be able to narrow that down to just a few. From there we would probably be able to solve your problem...
My guess for now: your audio signal is too weak...
If you are just measuring the frequency then.
arduino audio frequency counter
There are plenty of examples and explanations of how they work.
What model Arduino are you using?
Can you please post your code?
Can you please post a copy of your circuit, a picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png?
Hand drawn and photographed is perfectly acceptable.
Please include ALL hardware, power supplies, component names and pin labels.
Please NO Fritzy images, if this is a college project then it deserves a proper schematic.