Com1 already in use

I just got a brand new arduino mega 2560 and I haven't uploaded anything onto it yet but I just tried to upload something and an error message came up saying that com1 was already in use. So I pressed the reset button and it came up with the same message when I tried uploading it again! Please help! I am a first time arduino user!

And by com1 what is that refuring to?

In the IDE go to tools > serial port and select an unused com port to use with the IDE. When the arduino is connected to the pc USB port, it should be recognized as a com port.

On my computer (windows 7 netbook) I had to disable the built in bluetooth because it was keeping the com ports busy.

I went to serial ports but com1 is the only one

How did you disable the built in Bluetooth?

Please help! What type of stuff could block the arduino from using the com1 port?

If you are using windows and your board does not use the FTDI USB serial chip, you will probably need to install the special serial port drivers for your board. Check the IDE "getting started" help files.

What is the ftdi USB serial chip? And how can I tell if I have it

I checked on my computer and there is only com1 is there a way to add more?

Unplug the Arduino. Start the IDE. Look at the list of serial ports available. Close the IDE>

Connect the Arduino. Start the IDE. Look at the list of serial ports available.

Are the two lists the same? If not, the Arduino is connected to one of the serial ports that is not on both lists.

If the lists are the same, you did not install the driver for the Arduino correctly.

is there a way to add more?

Yes. Install the driver for the Arduino correctly.

That's the part I don't get how do you install the driver? Sorry I am new with this.

That's the part I don't get how do you install the driver? Sorry I am new with this.

Did you see the link I posted? It's for the mega2560 as well as the uno.

But it doesn't show how to do the mega. Do you just use the UNO steps for the mega?

But it doesn't show how to do the mega. Do you just use the UNO steps for the mega?

One would think one would use the same install process using the below .inf for the mega. Have you tried that?

Arduino MEGA 2560.inf

Yes. The difference between the UNO and Mega 2560 and the other Arduinos is that those two use a different chip to do serial communications. The same chip.