Comic Book Printer

Hello everyone!

My name is Jordan and I'm trying to program my receipt printer Printer to print out a comic that is chosen at random from 20ish options by pushing a button. I have bought SD card reader shields. SD CARD The image coding for one comic was pretty much maxing out the internal memory of the Arduino.

The only problem is that I dont really understand the SD card libraries..

I would like to pay someone $50 if we can get this done!!!

Hello everyone!

My name is Jordan and I'm trying to program my receipt printer Printer to print out a comic that is chosen at random from 20ish options by pushing a button. I have bought SD card reader shields. SD CARD The image coding for one comic was pretty much maxing out the internal memory of the Arduino.

The only problem is that I dont really understand the SD card libraries..

I would like to pay someone $50 if we can get this done!!!

You do mean "by the hour", don't you?


did you look into the "Hacking" part of this tutorial and the "Printing Huge Images" section?

you could read the file chuck by chunk into memory and send that as a bitmap or explore the possibility of passing a Stream to the printBitmap function