Commercialising Arduino Uno Bluetooth project

Hi everyone, I have a working Arduino project that turns a Nintendo 64 controller into a Bluetooth HID game pad. You can check out a video and the code here:

I've checked eBay, and I can't seem to find the Bluetooth N64 controllers they used to sell. So I'm having a look into making a few of these devices and selling them myself. I want to build these devices as easily and cheaply as possible.

The current project requires:

Arduino Uno ($22.95 on SparkFun)
SparkFun Proto Shield ($10.95 on SparkFun)
Silver Blueooth Module ($27.95 on SparkFun)

As you can see, this is pretty expensive. I'm trying to get it down to the following:

Arduino Pro Mini ($2.52 on AliExpress)
HC-05 Bluetooth Module ($2.52 on AliExpress, can be flashed with HID firmware, see Turn your HC-05 into a HID Bluetooth device (No Parallel Port Method) - YouTube )

So that leaves me with these problems:

  1. I need to connect the the Arduino to the N64 controller. I don't want to mangle the controller, so I've tried a couple of things: I bought a N64 extension cable and cut it open, but this didn't work. The actual copper in the wire is very fine and breaks easily. It's too small for scotch locks. I have a 3D printer and could make a connector, but is there a known solution for mating to what is essentially just 3 female contacts? My current solution is to jam in hook-up wire, but this isn't good enough.

  2. The Pro Mini doesn't have a regulated 3.3V output (at least I think it doesn't) which is what the controller needs to operate. How can I supply 3.3V to the controller? Would a voltage divider on one of the 5V output pins work?

  3. Supposing I can get all of this working, where can I order cheap custom PCBs?

Any advice appreciated :slight_smile:

  1. The Pro Mini doesn't have a regulated 3.3V output (at least I think it doesn't) which is what the controller needs to operate. How can I supply 3.3V to the controller? Would a voltage divider on one of the 5V output pins work?

The Arduino Pro Mini exists in 5V and 3.3V versions (but on the lower voltage it runs on 8MHz). So just buy the 3.3V version and you're fine.

  1. Supposing I can get all of this working, where can I order cheap custom PCBs?

Have you tried googling it?