Communicate with Wacom tablet (CT – 4005 – R) using Arduino

Hey people,

I am fairly new in the matrix. So, please, go easy on me if I get something wrong...

Nevertheless, I got this old Wacom tablet that I am trying to communicate with to no avail. I did try a few similar tutorials, such as this one (Arduino Playground - Ps2mouse)...I was able to communicate with a PS2 mouse and since the cables(WACOM + PS2 Mouse>>>serial Pinout) were sort of all together running to a PC serial Pinout(RS-232 DE9), I thought that I could use a similar approach to read the values coming out of the Wacom tablet...well, it didnt work. I have also tried this tutorial ( and still I wasnt quite succesful...

Could you guys help me out? Is the protocol of that tablet different from the one of the PS2 mouse? Could I use the max3323 chip as interpretor?
Give me a hint, please, on where to look to get that ancient thing talking to me?

thats the link which documents my attempt to utter a few humble words...

Thank you!

CT-4005-R should be CT-0405 ?
Is there a driver for linux? Perhaps you can use that source code.


oh yeah sorry, it is indeed CT-0405!

what the linux source code in the arduino compiler?

The linuxwacom projects has sources, but I don't know if your tablet is supported by it. The source code is also hard to read (for me). Project: Linux Wacom Tablet Project download |

Is the protocol of that tablet different from the one of the PS2 mouse?

I would certainly expect it to be. A mouse sends relative movement data. A graphics tablet has to send absolute position data. I don't know anything about that specific tablet, but it could also be sending pressure data.