Communication between 2 arduino over bluetooth HC-05

I successfully paired two HC-05 bluetooth modules with arduino UNO, one as master and other as slave. On master arduino I get 3 values from analogue pins for 3 servos which are varies between 0 to 65 degree. I want to transmit those values to slave arduino. Data which is to be transmitted should be in this form

 2 start byte, servo1 value, servo2 value, servo3 value, checksum byte

Slave arduino writes those values to releted servos and shows those values in serial monitor.
Please help me with this. provide code for both master and slave arduino. Thanks in advance.

Data which is to be transmitted should be in this form
2 start byte, servo1 value, servo2 value, servo3 value, checksum byte

Why? Sending ASCII data is orders of magnitude more robust. The tradeoff is that it is slower, but, then, does that really matter?

See Robin2's Serial Input Basics process to read and parse the data.

also see Arduino to Arduino by Bluetooth. This is an example of a remote control LED which you should be able to adapt.

The example uses Robin's recvWithStartEndMarkers() function and data is in ascii format.