Hi everyone,
We have to connect 2 cards. One card will send informations (card 1) about the joystick position and the card 2 has to receive informations and show informations with LCD and a buzzer.
For the card 1, we already made the programmation, it's works. We send informations with Serial.write and we put a delay between horizontal position and vertical position. For the push button, if we press the joystick the buzzer of the card 2 has to ring.
For the card 2, we receive informations with Serial.parseInt() and we show them an screen LCD.
Our 2 programms work separetly but when we connect our cards, we have nothing on screen LCD. Please, can you help us ?
Projet_info_tache_5_carte_223fev.ino (4.82 KB)
Projet_tache_5_carte_1.ino (4.54 KB)