Communication between a PC and possibly up to 5 arduinos

Hi, I'm working on a project where I will require 5 different arduinos each hooked up to several solenoid valves

I will need to be able to individually (possibly simultaneously) activate the solenoid valves wirelessly. I have looked at several options, including Bluetooth and RF. But I just need to ask someone who has experience in doing this before to give me some guidance on the equipments that I need. The arduino that i will be using is arduino uno.

I could also instead of using the pc, replace it with another arduino and from that control the other 5.

Any help would be much appreciated

What range do you need?


I immediately think - forget the Arduinos, get some ESP8266s.

One option is to have one Arduino directly connected to the PC by USB and use that Arduino as master to communicate by wireless (nRF24L01+ modules are cheap and very effective) with the other "slave" Arduinos. I have used this system to control model trains.

I don't have any experience of using an ESP2866 without an Arduino so I can't say whether that would be easier.


Hi Robin

Thank you for the guidance, have u ever tried controlling the salves simultaneously?? and whether that is possible??

FOr example, I want to control slave arduino 1,2,3 a tthe same time to perform the same function, is that possible?

Thank you for the guidance, have u ever tried controlling the salves simultaneously??

My system sends a message to every slave 10 times per second - is that simultaneous enough?
