I don't know if I am in the good section, if I'm not let me know :).
I'm doing a project in which I have to use both Processing (to control a Kinect) and Arduino. I want to send datas from Processing to Arduino. But I'm having some troubles.
In the processing side, when I display the datas I want to send I get this :
And in the arduino side, I get this :
The part of my processing code where I display the datas is :
int angle = int(elbowAngle);
And in the Arduino sketch, I have this :
if(Serial.available() > 0){
int inChar = Serial.read();
As I'm not familiar with those two softwares, I don't get why I don't have the same datas in Processing and Arduino.
If you need more informations just let me know.
Thank you for helping me.
PS : Sorry for my english, I'm french