I am using an arduino mega and an uno for a project and the uno is controlling the robotic arms. i want to send a signal from my mega to the uno and start moving the arm. Please tell me how to do so using serial communication.
Why start a new thread for the same question as this one?
You could set up a software serial port on each Uno and the two could communicate.
The serial input basics thread may help you to set up the comms and develop a protocol.
Why start a new thread for the same question as this one?
because it got buried and i needed a quick reply
It is still cross posting (bad). It would be better to bump the thread if you wait and appropriate amount to time for people to answer.
i needed a quick reply
That is no excuse. This is a world-wide forum, and some people that might be able, and willing, to help you do not work/sleep the same schedule you do.
In fact, it appears that YOU simply waited to late to figure out how to get data from one Arduino to the other.