communication between two Arduino using bluetooth

hello everyone this is my first post, I'm mechatronics engineering student and I'm working on two arduino communication
modules using bluetooht
JY-MCU and want help to understand how to pair the two modules without needing a computer or cell phone if not arduino to arduino.
I hope can help me with this

Do you have a link to a datasheet for your hardware?

JY-MCU is what they call a linvor module on a 4-pin 5V header. That's what I have.

It depends what firmware you have as to how flexible the device is. HC-06 is the one I have, but get HC-06 if you can.

The user manual is here

or google for HC Serial Bluetooth Products User Instructional Manual

This chap tells you how to upgrade the firmware, but it looks a bit hairy to me!

One last thing: I found a much more useful utility to set up the adapter with AT commands than the putty or hyperterm route... it's calls sscom3e I think - it's covered in Korean writing, but it works quite reliably.

Good luck

Brian Williams