Communication problem using pyserial

Hi i am using adrduino mega to read various sensor values and passing it to the pc for calculation via psSerial library.
The problem is that if i use any other baudrate other than 9600 the pc does not receive any values.
which is fine except that reading accelerometer values uses baud rate 0f 115200 lower baudrate gives inaccurate values

You have not posted your Arduino code or your Python code so I have no idea what you are doing.

This Python - Arduino demo may be of interest. I regularly communicate with Python at 500,000 baud.


which is fine except that reading accelerometer values uses baud rate 0f 115200 lower baudrate gives inaccurate values

Do you seriously have a serial accelerometer? I doubt that you do, so the baud rate used between the Arduino and the PC has NOTHING to do with reading data from the accelerometer.