I posted this in the wrong forum before, so repost here.
Is it possible to get the arduino to communicate to a OPC server? Or is there another way so that i can get the arduino to communicate to scada software like factory talk (Allen-Bradley)
actually we are working on the driver to communicate between ARDUINO and our visualization Software VisBee.
It’s a fully loaded Visualization system for HMI and SCADA.
You can download the Software without any restrictions at www.visbee.de (english version)
The is a extra version for ARDUINO - Fans (VisBee-light)
The driver will be available during march/april 2013.
What a shame VisBee only seems to operate on microsoft windows, I hope you are also looking to have it operate on other OS's.
Just like 'Citect SCADA' and the Allen Bradley RSLogix range of software products, they all only operate on windows, and this is the only reason I keep a windows image available in VirtualBox environment. I feel irked by having to keep software like this for work I do in Industrial Automation.
How wonderful it would be if we could have our operating system of choice and be able to use some of these programs.
Chris, a problem with your 'visbee' web site. If go to this page http://www.visbee.de/Christ/Christ-Elektronik/ and then select the English flag at the top of the page for English then all I get is a blank page. There are other pages that do the same, you will need to check to find out which pages do not work.
What a shame VisBee only seems to operate on microsoft windows, I hope you are also looking to have it operate on other OS's.
Just like 'Citect SCADA' and the Allen Bradley RSLogix range of software products, they all only operate on windows, and this is the only reason I keep a windows image available in VirtualBox environment. I feel irked by having to keep software like this for work I do in Industrial Automation.
How wonderful it would be if we could have our operating system of choice and be able to use some of these programs.
Chris, a problem with your 'visbee' web site. If go to this page http://www.visbee.de/Christ/Christ-Elektronik/ and then select the English flag at the top of the page for English then all I get is a blank page. There are other pages that do the same, you will need to check to find out which pages do not work.
Hi Paul, thx for the infos! Ich will check the "Error" at our page.....
VisBee: thanks for your Feedback in this point, I will forward it to the "special forces team"
I am proud to present the first free OPC Server for Arduino. You can get more information from the Arduino OPC Server project page at: http://www.ismsolar.com/arduino-opc-server
Now it is in beta stage so help is wanted to debug. The project is going to be Open Source and source will be published as soon as stable version will be released with your help (of course if you need the sources now you can contact with me).
If you use it please, tell me about that to improve it.
There is a forum of the project if you need some open support.
I am proud to present the first free OPC Server for Arduino. You can get more information from the Arduino OPC Server project page at: http://www.ismsolar.com/arduino-opc-server
Now it is in beta stage so help is wanted to debug. The project is going to be Open Source and source will be published as soon as stable version will be released with your help (of course if you need the sources now you can contact with me).
If you use it please, tell me about that to improve it.
There is a forum of the project if you need some open support.
All the best
Hi ilde
Great work with the OPC Server. Works great.
The only thing I noted is, when using the OPC library with the One Wire Digital Temperature Sensor - DS18B20, the OPC Tag health change to "bad" each time the temperature is read from the DS18B20.
Can you please look into this if you get the same result.
yes, i can imagine where is the bug in the Arduino OPC Server. Could you send me your sketch or al least the line where you create the OPC Item? AddItem(....
I am creating a new site for the Arduino OPC Server at:
yes, i can imagine where is the bug in the Arduino OPC Server. Could you send me your sketch or al least the line where you create the OPC Item? AddItem(....
I am creating a new site for the Arduino OPC Server at:
so you could use the support forum for news, updates and bug fixes
All the best
Hi ilde
Please see my sketch below. Any suggestions are welcome.
Just to recap: when the piece of code " if(currentMillis - previousMillis > 2000)" executes every 2 seconds the OPC tag quality changes from good to bad and back to good.
It seems like every time the onewire device is accessed the OPC quality changes.
Looking forward to your response.
#include <OPC.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 10
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS); // Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire devices
DallasTemperature Sensors(&oneWire); // Pass our oneWire reference to Dallas Temperature.
DeviceAddress ThermometerAddr = { 0x28, 0x2C, 0x83, 0x04, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6B }; // Assign the addresses of your 1-Wire temp sensors.
OPC aOPC; // Declaring the OPC object
int Analogue;
long previousMillis = 0;
int callback(const char *itemID, const opcOperation opcOP, const int value) // create a callback function for the OPCItem
return Analogue;
void setup() {
Sensors.begin(); // Start up the library
Sensors.setResolution(ThermometerAddr, 12); // set the resolution to 12 bit
Sensors.requestTemperatures(); // Getting Temperatures
aOPC.setup(); // OPC Object initialization
aOPC.addItem("store",opc_read, opc_int, callback); // random OPCItem declaration
void loop() {
aOPC.processOPCCommands(); // OPC process commands
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
if(currentMillis - previousMillis > 2000) // Scan This peace of code only every 2 seconds
previousMillis = currentMillis;
Sensors.requestTemperatures(); // Getting Temperatures
Analogue = Sensors.getTempC(ThermometerAddr);
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Here is a link to a sample I put together to talk to Arduino using the open source SCADA project I maintain. It can run on any computer running node JS. No special code such as modbus need to be loaded to the arduino. It uses the built in firmata driver!