Communication with

Hello everybody
Since a few months, my ArduinoMega with an EthernetShield doesn't communicate with the platform. Before, it worked for years with with no problems. I also asked dweet-people, but I didn't receive any response.
Does anybody know, the changes they made?
could any body give me hint, what I should chnage in my code?
In attachment the important parts of my communication code with
Many thanks for any help.

DweetIOCodeSample.txt (2.1 KB)

Given you posted all of the relevant code then post protocol ident is missing.

Your request line (first line of the HTTP header) is

POST /dweet/for/ArdaSol?Date=8.9.2022

but should be

POST /dweet/for/ArdaSol?Date=8.9.2022 HTTP/1.0

You may also try version 1.1 but with 1.0 you're on the safe side (with 1.1 more headers are mandatory).

Usually a POST request also has some content but your's doesn't have any content and no Content-Size header.

Thanks so much to pylon for this hint (HTTP/1.0). Now works again.
you can see what I'm posting here:

Its some solar-panel and meteo data.

Thanks again!

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