Como instalar um sensor no arduino? How to install a sensor in arduino?

Hello. I have an analog sensor Paradox 476 with the following tips NC RELAY I RELAY C I V+ I V- I TAMPER I TAMPER I
NC means normally closed. Anyway, I want to know how to connect these cables in arduino. how to install the sensor? Help me please.

Olá. Tenho um sensor analógico Paradox 476 com as seguintes pontas RELAY NC I RELAY C I + I - I TAMPER I TAMPER I
NC significa normalmente fechado. Enfim, quero saber como conectar esses cabos no arduino? como instalar o sensor? Ajude-me por favor.

Are you completely sure that this is a sensor? Your readings rather indicate a relay, which is an actor and not a sensor. What do you want to achieve?