Compact version of Mega2560, or equivalent?

I have an Arduino Mega2560 which has more I/O than I need, but lots of EEPROM, which I want. However, the configuration is the breakout board with headers soldered to it. That is breadboard-friendly, but not convenient to embed on a circuit board.

Is there a nice little breakout board for the Atmega 1280 which is of the form factor of the Nano. Just solder pins on the Nano, and you can develop it on a breadboard, then directly solder it into a circuit board. That is what I am looking for.

I would also settle for a breakout board for some chip other than the 1280, so long as it has a good bit more memory than the Atmega 328, and at least as much I/O.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

What about the 1284p?

There are some small breakout boards for it (crossroads sells them)

For eeprom, you know, you can always use an AT24 series eeprom chip if you need more.

People have made a smaller version of the Mega with the same amount of pins and memory.

Take a look at this

I have one myself and it is rather good.

This one comes without headers soldered on

If you don't need huge amount of flash and ram, and your write access to eeprom could be in blocks, then you could check also this solution: Writing to FLASH from application. Please test and enjoy :-) - Microcontrollers - Arduino Forum