Is there a company that can solder an Arduino nano to two LED's, and a button to the required ports. I want around maybe 4000 parts (depending on the demand and if they sell). It would also be ideal if the company can upload the code to the Arduino. If you have a better suggestion, let me know.
Be less vague. How many units over what period of time? What are you hoping these will cost between parts and flashing and soldering?
Do you mind purchasing the parts from the entity that will make your device?
I don't think a contract manufacturer is going to be interested in the process you outline. You may want to look into doing your own PCB board - the Arduino reference schematics might make the Arduino part of that easy. And it could end up being cheaper than repurposing an Arduino board.
Also, there isn't much you can do to keep,someone who wanted to loading new code onto your device, USB connection removed or no.
This sounds like a home grown project. The very best answer is for you to do like thousands of others have done. Set up a production line in you garage and hire some of your neighborhood teenagers to do the work. Then you can control the whole operation, including testing the final product.
So solder everything by hand?
I suggest you:
Have a small custom PC board designed using the same processor as the Nano. On this board add the required LED's and button(s). Use standard parts.
This board would have no USB port nor other Nano features that are not needed for your product. -
Go to for board and assembly. I don't know if they do programming.
How would I upload the code if there's no USB port?
You would need an adapter. They are on ebay for < $10. If the assembler programs them they will have special adapters that use spring pins to contact the points on the board for programming.
AND if you have them program via ICP pins, there will be no bootloader so it will be more difficult for others to reprogram your board.
Depends on the (unknown!!!!) number of boards your making.
Your initial description of work to be done is the MOST expensive manufacturing that can be done. That is reworking existing products and adding and removing other components and having a working device when done. The cost for that will far exceed the cost of producing an entirely new board. Volume does matter!
Consider purchasing the processors pre-programmed, a lot depends on your volume. Hopefully a 100K or more.
Why would you care what happens to it after the sale? Making it upgradable, modifiable may be a selling point.
Find a picture of the nano and identify the parts to be removed and identify where to add the two LEDs and the button. Can you show a picture of where/how you have added them?
How many? What's your budget? The company you hire to build 10 is not the same company you hire to build 1000 is not the same company you hire to build 1,000,000. How many can you afford to buy up-front?
Depends on how many per month the OP can handle! And his credit rating!
Some options
- Use something like SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 5V to program the board; connect it to the required pins (RX/TX/RST, see Pro Mini schematic and SparkFun guide).
Your processor needs to have the boot loader. - Use ICSP and a programmer (e.g. Pololu USB AVR Programmer v2.1); connect to to the required pins, see e.g. the 6 pin header in the Nano schematic) and use "upload using programmer" in the IDE.
No bootloader required.
The product mentioned under (2) can also be used instead of the SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout).
~4000 parts
So the second method can be done on a fresh custom made board with the same processor as an arduino nano, right? What's stopping the end user from uploading their own code? Sorry if this is a stupid question, this is very new to me
Why do you want to prevent the user from uploading their own code ?
I mean when you buy an electronic product, there aren't any options to upload your own code. Like if you buy a phone, you won't be able to change the software. So I don't want the end user to change anything about the product
Yes. Same will apply to USB with the first method.
Pour your PCB in epoxy after you have programmed it. Why do you want to prevent the end user to change it?