Comparison: DRV8833 vs TB6612

I understand that L298N uses old technology and lacks efficiency, and someone recommended me to use TB6612 instead which is more efficient, but I noticed there is also a DRV8833 chip. Putting the operation voltage / peak current aside, is there any clear advantage of one over another?

As long as the motor driver can comfortably handle the stall current of your motor, and satisfies your other requirements, it probably won't matter which you choose.

Pololu has the best selection of motor drivers, along with excellent support and documentation.

Could mostly depend on the stepper motor size and specs how many steps you want to achieve and RPM etc.

Most NEMA 17 or below can reliably run with an 8833 OR the TB6612.
And set the current pot properly.

For anything larger than a NEMA 17 frame I would prefer a better driver.
Had a lot of luck here with Chinese drivers if cost plays a factor.

Otherwise @jremington is spot on too.

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