Hi, I found a nice code in order to built a compass with the QMC5883L.
It look good and the calibration is ok but something is missing.
at North I get 0 degrees but just befor north instead of getting 359, 358, 357degrees I get -1, -2, -3 etc. For south it's the same problem. I get 178, 179, but then -179, -178, -177 instead of 180, 181, 182 degrees.
This is the code I found. if someone can help me make the appropriate correction, it would be nice.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// Robert's Smorgasbord 2022 //
// https://robertssmorgasbord.net //
// https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGtReyiNPrY4RhyjClLifBA //
// QST QMC5883L 3-Axis Digital Compass and Arduino MCU – The Basics https://youtu.be/xh_KCkds038 //
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
#include <QMC5883LCompass.h>
// Mode Control (MODE)
const byte qmc5883l_mode_stby = 0x00;
const byte qmc5883l_mode_cont = 0x01;
// Output Data Rate (ODR)
const byte qmc5883l_odr_10hz = 0x00;
const byte qmc5883l_odr_50hz = 0x04;
const byte qmc5883l_odr_100hz = 0x08;
const byte qmc5883l_odr_200hz = 0x0C;
// Full Scale Range (RNG)
const byte qmc5883l_rng_2g = 0x00;
const byte qmc5883l_rng_8g = 0x10;
// Over Sample Ratio (OSR)
const byte qmc5883l_osr_512 = 0x00;
const byte qmc5883l_osr_256 = 0x40;
const byte qmc5883l_osr_128 = 0x80;
const byte qmc5883l_osr_64 = 0xC0;
QMC5883LCompass compass;
void setup()
//compass.setADDR(byte b);
//compass.setMode(byte mode, byte odr, byte rng, byte osr );
//compass.setMode(qmc5883l_mode_cont, qmc5883l_odr_200hz, qmc5883l_rng_8g, qmc5883l_osr_512);
//compass.setSmoothing(byte steps, bool adv);
//compass.setCalibration(int x_min, int x_max, int y_min, int y_max, int z_min, int z_max);
compass.setCalibration(-1100, 2480, -2403, 850, -5015, -1261);
void loop()
int x_value;
int y_value;
int z_value;
int azimuth; // 0° - 359°
byte bearing; // 0 - 15 (N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ...)
char direction[strlen("NNE") + 1];
char buffer[strlen("X=-99999 | Y=-99999 | Z=-99999 | A=259° | B=15 | D=NNE") + 1];
compass.read(); // Read compass values via I2C
x_value = compass.getX();
y_value = compass.getY();
z_value = compass.getZ();
azimuth = compass.getAzimuth(); // Calculated from X and Y value
bearing = compass.getBearing(azimuth);
compass.getDirection(direction, azimuth);
direction[3] = '\0';
"X=%6d | Y=%6d | Z=%6d | A=%3d° | B=%02hu | %s",
direction );