Compass for a Mega 2560

Anyone recommend a compass for a 2560 Mega?

With or without nightvision red illumination ?

Doesn't look like that model is made any more. I might try the Adafruit compass. I've had no luck with my $2.00 chinese ebay special of an HMC5883L. In fact I haven't been able to get any I2C device to work on my mega 2560 yet.

Did you use pullups?

I've tried no pull ups, 4.7K pull ups and 10K pull ups. I verified with an oscilloscope that a signal is coming from both SDA and SCL. Something just isn't quite right. I ran three different scanner programs, and nothing some up looking for a device address. Unfortunately I don't have another arduino, or an I2C device that I have previously verified as working. Just an LCD display and a compass from the bargain outlets of ebay.

I'm sorry to have to ask this but how did you connect SDA & SCL ?

I used male to male jumpers that are around 8" long. I believe the pins 20 and 21 are marked SDA and SCL on the mega board, and those are the one's I used. When I used pull up resistors, I had to use a small breadboard, so that added another short wire length.

I know this is a silly question, but I meant to what pins did you connect SDA,SCL ?

You ask a good question. I just ran the software and rightly or wrongly assumed that wire.h would be manipulating the data on the only two SDA and SCL pins on the mega. Is there a step I missed?

On the 5883L board, the pins are labeled with SDA and SCL.

I've ordered an Adafruit 5883 based compass module, as it has circuitry to make it safe with 5v logic legals. Hoping this will work with the mega 2560 and it's on board pull up resistors tied to 5v. Maybe I wrecked the previous 5883 compass hooking it up to my mega??? Another mega on order as well, just in case.