Compatible with iot cloud

Hello everyone,

My question is actually very short:
which arduino devices are compatible with the arduino iot cloud, i would like to connect with ethernet. Are there shields or should I buy an Arduino Giga, for example?

thank you in advance!

Hi @mdtrz. The compatible boards are documented here:

You will see through there that the only boards officially supported for connection via Ethernet are the Portenta H7 and Opta.

I think that, technically, you can use other boards via Ethernet. However, Arduino Cloud's user friendly features for IoT Thing setup only support Ethernet for the boards mentioned in the documentation. In order to accomplish it with other boards, you would have to dive into the lower level Thing sketch code that is normally generated automatically for you by Arduino Cloud. So this is something that should only be considered by advanced users.

Dear, thank you for your answer. Unfortunately, you won't find much about Ethernet and IoT cloud on the internet anymore. Does anyone know how you should write this code (with an Arduino Mega and an Ethernet shield)?
