Compialing error

Hi i'm working on a project that is using an Nodemcu 09.
And it is showing an error

Arduino: 1.8.19 (Windows Store (Windows 10), Board: "NodeMCU 0.9 (ESP-12 Module), 160 MHz, Flash, Disabled (new aborts on oom), Disabled, All SSL ciphers (most compatible), 32KB cache + 32KB IRAM (balanced), Use pgm_read macros for IRAM/PROGMEM, 4MB (FS:2MB OTA:~1019KB), v2 Lower Memory, Disabled, None, Only Sketch, 115200"

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.

Here is the code

// Original source code: 
/* Comment this out to disable prints and save space */
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>

// Your WiFi credentials.
// Set password to "" for open networks.
char ssid[] = "Ex Socnghe";
char pass[] = "Socnghe1013";

#define TdsSensorPin A0
#define VREF 5.0              // analog reference voltage(Volt) of the ADC
#define SCOUNT  30            // sum of sample point

int analogBuffer[SCOUNT];     // store the analog value in the array, read from ADC
int analogBufferTemp[SCOUNT];
int analogBufferIndex = 0;
int copyIndex = 0;

float averageVoltage = 0;
float tdsValue = 0;
float temperature = 16;       // current temperature for compensation

// median filtering algorithm
int getMedianNum(int bArray[], int iFilterLen){
  int bTab[iFilterLen];
  for (byte i = 0; i<iFilterLen; i++)
  bTab[i] = bArray[i];
  int i, j, bTemp;
  for (j = 0; j < iFilterLen - 1; j++) {
    for (i = 0; i < iFilterLen - j - 1; i++) {
      if (bTab[i] > bTab[i + 1]) {
        bTemp = bTab[i];
        bTab[i] = bTab[i + 1];
        bTab[i + 1] = bTemp;
  if ((iFilterLen & 1) > 0){
    bTemp = bTab[(iFilterLen - 1) / 2];
  else {
    bTemp = (bTab[iFilterLen / 2] + bTab[iFilterLen / 2 - 1]) / 2;
  return bTemp;

void setup(){

void loop(){
  static unsigned long analogSampleTimepoint = millis();
  if(millis()-analogSampleTimepoint > 40U){     //every 40 milliseconds,read the analog value from the ADC
    analogSampleTimepoint = millis();
    analogBuffer[analogBufferIndex] = analogRead(TdsSensorPin);    //read the analog value and store into the buffer
    if(analogBufferIndex == SCOUNT){ 
      analogBufferIndex = 0;
  static unsigned long printTimepoint = millis();
  if(millis()-printTimepoint > 800U){
    printTimepoint = millis();
    for(copyIndex=0; copyIndex<SCOUNT; copyIndex++){
      analogBufferTemp[copyIndex] = analogBuffer[copyIndex];
      // read the analog value more stable by the median filtering algorithm, and convert to voltage value
      averageVoltage = getMedianNum(analogBufferTemp,SCOUNT) * (float)VREF / 1024.0;
      //temperature compensation formula: fFinalResult(25^C) = fFinalResult(current)/(1.0+0.02*(fTP-25.0)); 
      float compensationCoefficient = 1.0+0.02*(temperature-25.0);
      //temperature compensation
      float compensationVoltage=averageVoltage/compensationCoefficient;
      //convert voltage value to tds value
      tdsValue=(133.42*compensationVoltage*compensationVoltage*compensationVoltage - 255.86*compensationVoltage*compensationVoltage + 857.39*compensationVoltage)*0.5;
      //Serial.print("V   ");
      Serial.print("TDS Value:");


Nothing you have posted is an error. Are you sure there is an error? Normally there is an "exit status 1" message when there are any errors.

Click the "copy error messages" button that appears above and to the right of the letterbox where error messages appear, then paste them into your next post (between code tags).

sorry for the late reply here's the error:

Using board 'nodemcu' from platform in folder: C:\Users\Hello\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\3.1.2
Using core 'esp8266' from platform in folder: C:\Users\Hello\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\3.1.2
"C:\\Users\\Hello\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\esp8266\\tools\\python3\\3.7.2-post1/python3" -I "C:\\Users\\Hello\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\esp8266\\hardware\\esp8266\\3.1.2/tools/" "C:\\Users\\Hello\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Arduino IDE\\resources\\app\\node_modules\\arduino-ide-extension\\build" 10607 "C:\\Users\\Hello\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino\\sketches\\23E988F8A1944729D38E28CC527E9BB8" "C:\\Users\\Hello\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino\\sketches\\23E988F8A1944729D38E28CC527E9BB8/core/build.opt" "F:\\Bí Mật\\End of year\\1/1.ino.globals.h" "C:\\Users\\Hello\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\esp8266\\hardware\\esp8266\\3.1.2\\cores\\esp8266/CommonHFile.h"
default_encoding:       cp1252
Assume aggressive 'core.a' caching enabled.
Note: optional global include file 'F:\B� M\u1eadt\End of year\1\1.ino.globals.h' does not exist.

*** Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Hello\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\3.1.2/tools/", line 824, in <module>
    rc = main()
  File "C:\Users\Hello\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\3.1.2/tools/", line 819, in main
    handle_error(0)   # commit print buffer
  File "C:\Users\Hello\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\3.1.2/tools/", line 274, in handle_error
    print(msg_print_buf, file=fd, end='', flush=True)
  File "D:\obj\Windows-Release\37win32_Release\msi_python\zip_win32\", line 19, in encode
UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u1ead' in position 120: character maps to <undefined>

exit status 1

Compilation error: exit status 1


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