Compilation Error - Error: unrecognized option -mmcu=avr6


I'm using Arduino 1.8.19 IDE on Jetson Nano with ArtMega 2560 board.

It won't let me compile anything at all. I receive the following message every time I hit Compile Button:

Assembler messages:
Error: unrecognized option -mmcu=avr6
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino Mega or Mega 2560.

I have no clue what it means.

Any ideas?


Welcome to the forum

Then your first mistake was posting in the forum section for IDE 2.0. It has been moved to a more appropriate section

That aside, you do not explain what a "Jetson Nano" is or how it is used with an Arduino Mega

What sketch are you compiling and when/where do you see the error message ? If that is not the full error message then please post the full one, using code tags when you do

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