Here is my line following code. Please Help!
"Compilation error: exit status 1" I am very frustrated that I can't get past this error, I just don't know what it is or how to solve it.
First is the output of the serial monitor.
/var/folders/dh/cjqhp9_121z62n0mj153xm1h0000gq/T//ccovJ7QL.ltrans0.ltrans.o: In function main': /Users/tedmahler/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/avr/1.8.6/cores/arduino/main.cpp:46: undefined reference to
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
exit status 1
Compilation error: exit status 1
Here is my code. It has worked in my robot without N.
// Line following code to operate L/R continuous rotation servos and L/R line sensors. Added platform tilt 7/20/2024 Thursnesday (Latest)
// Less than 90 on left is CW on left continuous rotation servo motor.
// greater than 90 on right is CCW on right continuous rotation servo motor.
// 90 is stop on both motors. Adjust trim screw on servo for no motion at stop.
// Prototype Function Declearations for compiler. Full decleartions later.
void Straight();
void Left();
void Right();
void No_movement();
#include <Servo.h>;
Servo LeftWheel;
Servo RightWheel;
Servo Platform;
bool Leftdetect = true;
bool Rightdetect = true;
int N = 0;
// ************************* SETUP *****************************
void setup(){;
pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // LED indicates when payload servo is active.
// int Platform.attach(11);
pinMode(9, OUTPUT); // Left Wheel
pinMode(10, OUTPUT); // Right wheel
pinMode(11, OUTPUT); // Platform tilt
// Sensors
pinMode(6, INPUT); // Left Line sensor
pinMode(7, INPUT); // Right Line sensor
bool Leftdetect = true;
bool Rightdetect = true;
// "N" is a Marker so we don't call "no-motion" repeatedly without first
// calling a motion function. With that understading "initilize the
// motion/tilt platform" marker to 0 since we have never called it before.
int N = 0;
// ************************ LØOP **************************
void LOOP ();
// LOOP to read sensors and call appropriate movement functions.
// Read the Sensors.
Leftdetect = digitalRead(6);
Rightdetect = digitalRead(7);
// 1st test, call Straight if Line not seen in either left or right sensor
if ((Leftdetect == false) && (Rightdetect == false)) {;
// We are doing something other than stopping, Set Marker to 0.
N = 0;
Straight(); // Call straight Function
}; // Close 1st test: straight Line 49
// 2nd test. Line is seen only in left sensor. Remember False is the line.
if ((Leftdetect == false) && (Rightdetect == true)) {;
// (Tracking into line from left, Correct by turning left)
// We are doing something other than stopping, reset marker.
N = 0;
}; // Close 2nd Test. Left Turn.
// 3rd test. Line is seen only in Right sensor. Remember False is the line.
if ((Leftdetect == true) && (Rightdetect == false)) {;
// (Tracking into line from right, Correct by turning right)
// We are doing something other than stopping, reset marker.
N = 0;
}; // Close 3rd test. Right Turn. Line 64
// 4th test, No motion. Line sensed in both sensors, call Stop motion with Platorm tilt
if ((Leftdetect == true) && (Rightdetect == true)) {;
// Only proceed with No-movement/ Tilt Platform if marker has been reset
// to 0 saying we are coming from a movement function call.
if (N = 0) ;
// Proceed with No Movement function call and set the marker!
N = 1;
}; // Close 4th test. No Movement/platform tilt. Line 72
}; // End Of loop function. Line 36
//************************ FUNCTION DEFINITIONS ************************
// Movement Functions: Left side 90 counting up. Right side 90 counting down
void Straight (){;
LeftWheel.write(95); delay(50);
// Left - Stop position plus movement (90 + 5)
// Right - Stop position minus movement (90 - 5)
}; // Close straight function definition Line 85
void Left(){;
// Left servo. No movement just Stop position (90)
// Right servo. Stop position minus movement (90 - 5)
}; // Close Left function definition Line 92
void Right(){;
// Left servo. Stop position plus movement (90 + 5)
// Right servo No movement just Stop position (90)
}; // Close Right function definition Line 99
void No_movement(){;
// Left servo. Stop position (90)
// Right servo. Stop position (90)
// Tilt platform by activating the platform tilt servo
// Turn builtin LED on while platform is active.
// Platform.write(90);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
// Lower the platform by again activating platform tilt servo
// Platform.write(0);
// delay(100);
// Turn builtin LED off after platform is lowered
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
}; // Close No_movement