compilation error: standard library not found: No such file or directory

My scheme was compiled. It uses standard library SoftwareSerial.h.
Suddenly report the error:
/tmp/webide_tmp514571/FASELVDT_4/FASELVDT_4.ino:2:28: fatal error: SoftwareSerial.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

Hi. For which board are you trying to compile? It could be that the board doesn't support that library. If you try to compile for the Arduino/Genuino Uno for example it works, but for the Arduino Zero it doesn't.

Arduino/Genuino Uno. The program was compiled correctly before yesterday.
Compile it again yesterday and informed mistake occurred

Can you please post here the sketch? A screenshot would be fine too. Thank you very much.

A printscreen and the sketch is attached.

definiciones.h (1.67 KB)

FASELVDT_6.ino (6.81 KB)

Another case...

definiciones.h (1.58 KB)

FASELVDT_4.ino (5.94 KB)

Hi Claudio,
we tried as well and the sketch works fine on our machines. From your output we see you have a conflict on multiple libraries, could you send us the whole verbose output so we try to debug it?

Sorry about that!


The verbose output of the sketch FASELVDT_4.ino is attached.
Please notes the line

/tmp/webide_tmp764345/FASELVDT_4/FASELVDT_4.ino:2:28: fatal error: SoftwareSerial.h: No such file or directory

verboseFASELVDT_4.txt (3.75 KB)

Good news: we found the issue. In the next couple of days we should release a new version of Create that will fix it (among other things)

Hi, the issue was caused by the new builder and the directory structure.
We are deploying the fixed binary and it will be available soon for all Create users.
Thanks a lot of the feedback!

Hi again, we solved the issue in our dev environment. The deploy to staging is expected within this week. Stay tuned.

Hi Claudio,
compilation should now be working properly, let us know otherwise!
