I am teaching an Arduino unit to my high school physics class using the Arduino Create cloud app. For the past couple of days, toward the end of class, students are getting an error message "Compilation Failed." Compilation and upload had been working during most of the class period. Then for the last ten minutes or so, it stops for the entire class. These are programs that had been uploading successfully a few minutes prior. It is independent of the particular board or computer (all MacBook Pro's using Google Chrome). Is this a server problem? Any ideas? It's only happening to my late morning class. Today it started happening a little after 11 am Pacific time. Yesterday it was at about 11:30.
It is something I have noticed where I make a change to sketches but don't save them.
Fix it to save more often between edits.
Also check your AUTOSAVE option as that too may help although I dont use it here.
Also appears to happen if I leave the editor open for long periods of time without activity.
Fix is to sign out of the editor close the page and browser then re-open and log in again.
In my case under windows I also do a cache clean up.
See if any of those help at all.
EDIT just mentioning that in my case it too is over periods of time.
Another artifact to watch for is that the EDITOR if left open for long periods may also forget which board was selected. In those cases you just need to reselect the correct board and it seems to happen more with clone Arduino's than real ones.
Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, your suggestions didn't help. My students tried consistently saving, logging off and back on again, quitting Chrome and restarting, and even a full computer shut down and restart. When one student gets the compilation error, all students get it. It seems more like a problem on the Arduino Create side. I know nothing about networks. Is it possible that too many computers logged from one one place could cause a problem?
Anything is possible as far as too many from one location.
Personally I doubt that is the cause though.
A few numbers may be of help.
How many students per session and how long per session ?
Do they share a certificates or use individual ones ( one per student ) ?
What is the session cache policy for when a student logs out ? (preferably clear session data).
I have seen the cache size cause some minor issues even if the cache itself was not all editor related.
Any other network related information you can provide.
Have you run any of the computers with the DEBUG CONSOLE open.
Maybe pick one or two computers and keep that window / page open until the session dies
BTW when you open that console it will be almost empty but will slowly fill with information as the session progresses.
So don't close it until you have copied and pasted the information out of it.
As a teacher I presume you also have a computer running but does yours also fail ?
If so then Chrome also has its own debug console from which a lot of useful information may be had.
We also have a daily limit of compilations for user. It could be that you're hitting that wall
The limit is 1000 compilation per user in 24 hours, it sounds really odd that all the students are hitting this limit at the same time. We are adding a better error reporting tool to the Builder to try to track this kind of issues.
Each student is logged in with their own Arduino ID, correct?
I'm getting a similar issue except that its only with a specific program, all other programs I have verify and load no problem. This last one is all good when i verify but when trying to upload it just says compilation failed and give a link to the forum.
Any more clues ?
maybe take a look here first and then come add everything thats missing.
I'm using an Uno.
I had uploaded it in an Uno previously a while back and now I wanted to make a backup device. I've tried using different boards but always the same issue. If I use the same board I am able to upload another of my projects to it no problem. It seems to be an issue with this sketch but when I verify it says it all clear. There is nothing that appears in the console when either verifying my code or try to upload it and its only with this sketch.
Am I missing anything?
Missing LOTS.
Please read that page I linked to and save us both some time and guesswork.
Do you have VERBOSE switched on in preferences ?
That link i gave tells you how to copy and paste the info back here.
I do have verbose on.
I just tried copying my code into a new sketch and it uploads just fine. It seemed to be something with the sketch itself.
That link also tells you how to post code back here too.
But I have a feeling this topic may need to be moved to another section as it clearly is not an issue with CREATE based on the feedback so far.
BTW they will also tell you to post your code if you do want it moved.