Compile failure: target 'socket_remote4.o' failed

Hi, I have been attempting to compile the arduino yun version of openwrt but have run into several problems.

Following advice from the forum, I have tried the compile using "nice -n 10 nohup make -j 1 V=s &". The error outputs from the last part of the nohup.out file reads:

socket/socket_remote4.c:11:23: fatal error: havescope.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
GNUmakefile:141: recipe for target 'socket_remote4.o' failed
make[4]: *** [socket_remote4.o] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/tom/Downloads/openwrt-yun/build_dir/target-mips_r2_uClibc-'
Makefile:59: recipe for target '/home/tom/Downloads/openwrt-yun/build_dir/target-mips_r2_uClibc-' failed
make[3]: *** [/home/tom/Downloads/openwrt-yun/build_dir/target-mips_r2_uClibc-] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/tom/Downloads/openwrt-yun/feeds/packages/libs/libowfat'
package/Makefile:105: recipe for target 'package/feeds/packages/libowfat/compile' failed
make[2]: *** [package/feeds/packages/libowfat/compile] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/tom/Downloads/openwrt-yun'
package/Makefile:101: recipe for target '/home/tom/Downloads/openwrt-yun/staging_dir/target-mips_r2_uClibc-' failed
make[1]: *** [/home/tom/Downloads/openwrt-yun/staging_dir/target-mips_r2_uClibc-] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/tom/Downloads/openwrt-yun'
/home/tom/Downloads/openwrt-yun/include/ recipe for target 'world' failed
make: *** [world] Error 2

Help is appreciated.


Compile it individual

make package/feeds/packages/libowfat/clean V=s
make package/feeds/packages/libowfat/compile V=s

Post output.

Hi, I was away for a couple of days, now back, working at a compile.

I did as you recommended and I would like to post the output of "make package/feeds/packages/libowfat/compile V=s" but I would rather post it as an attachment, since it is a bit lengthy. Is there a way to do this?

Thank You

Hi, I was away for a couple of days, now back, working at a compile.

I did as you recommended and I would like to post the output of "make package/feeds/packages/libowfat/compile V=s" but I would rather post it as an attachment, since it is a bit lengthy. Is there a way to do this?

Thank You

An attachment is fine.

Plan B:

Copy and paste the log onto a pastebin site, like or, and then post that URL here.


I did copy and paste the output of "make package/feeds/packages/libowfat/compile V=s" into at

However, what I meant to say in my last post was that I did not know how to make an attachment at this forum. There seem to be no options to do that. If you could direct me I would do that in future.

I have tried to do a compile on a debian 7 64 bit virtual machine and a 32 bit virtual machine. The output that I have pasted is from the 32 bit virtual machine install.

Interestingly, and this might be important, after I installed the 32 bit virtual machine I tried doing the compile and it must have gone on for 4 hours before it failed. I used "nice -n 10 nohup make -j 1 V=s" so I have a rather large nohup.out file so rather than post that whole thing I will just post the last few lines here, where the failure appears to be. It appears to me that the install failed because aprx-2.00_r421.tar.bz2 could not be downloaded from the repository. So, I checked the dl directory and sure enough aprx-2.00_r421.tar.bz2 was not there. I found a repository and put it into the dl directory manually and tried restarting the compile but oddly enough the compile would not start.

Here is the last few lines of the 4 hour compile:

rm -rf /home/tom/openwrt-yun/staging_dir/target-mips_r2_uClibc-
touch /home/tom/openwrt-yun/staging_dir/target-mips_r2_uClibc-
make[3]: Leaving directory /home/tom/openwrt-yun/feeds/packages/net/appweb' make[3]: Entering directory /home/tom/openwrt-yun/feeds/packages/net/aprx'
mkdir -p /home/tom/openwrt-yun/dl
echo "Checking out files from the svn repository..."; mkdir -p /home/tom/openwrt-yun/tmp/dl && cd /home/tom/openwrt-yun/tmp/dl && rm -rf aprx-2.00_r421 && [ ! -d aprx-2.00_r421 ] && ( svn help export | grep -q trust-server-cert && svn export --non-interactive --trust-server-cert -r421 aprx-2.00_r421 || svn export --non-interactive -r421 aprx-2.00_r421 ) && echo "Packing checkout..." && /bin/tar cfj /home/tom/openwrt-yun/tmp/dl/aprx-2.00_r421.tar.bz2 aprx-2.00_r421 && mv /home/tom/openwrt-yun/tmp/dl/aprx-2.00_r421.tar.bz2 /home/tom/openwrt-yun/dl/ && rm -rf aprx-2.00_r421;
Checking out files from the svn repository...
svn: OPTIONS of '': Could not read status line: connection was closed by server (
svn: OPTIONS of '': Could not read status line: connection was closed by server (
make[3]: *** [/home/tom/openwrt-yun/dl/aprx-2.00_r421.tar.bz2] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory /home/tom/openwrt-yun/feeds/packages/net/aprx' make[2]: *** [package/feeds/packages/aprx/compile] Error 2 make[2]: Leaving directory /home/tom/openwrt-yun'
make[1]: *** [/home/tom/openwrt-yun/staging_dir/target-mips_r2_uClibc-] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/tom/openwrt-yun'
make: *** [world] Error 2

I am not giving up :slight_smile:
Thank You

Click attachment, then choose file.

Output of

cat /proc/cpuinfo  |grep processor


cat /proc/cpuinfo  |grep processor
processor       : 0
processor       : 1
processor       : 2
processor       : 3
processor       : 4
processor       : 5
processor       : 6
processor       : 7

Last one is 7 means 8 cores.

Install debian 7 32 bits in real multiple cores machine, not virtual machine.


nice -n 10 nohup make -j 9 V=s

to compile.


"-j 9" might run 6 times faster than "-j 1", cut 4 hours to ~50 mins.
use box has a lot of RAM plus SSD.

I did copy and paste the output of "make package/feeds/packages/libowfat/compile V=s" into at

Base on "" , libowfat compiled fine .

Interestingly, and this might be important, after I installed the 32 bit virtual machine I tried doing the compile and it must have gone on for 4 hours before it failed. I used "nice -n 10 nohup make -j 1 V=s" so I have a rather large nohup.out file so rather than post that whole thing I will just post the last few lines here, where the failure appears to be. It appears to me that the install failed because aprx-2.00_r421.tar.bz2 could not be downloaded from the repository. So, I checked the dl directory and sure enough aprx-2.00_r421.tar.bz2 was not there. I found a repository and put it into the dl directory manually and tried restarting the compile but oddly enough the compile would not start.

make package/feeds/packages/aprx/clean V=s
make package/feeds/packages/aprx/compile V=s

Getting closer.

Ran for a couple of hours then blew up because the low power blue tooth "node-bleno-0.1.8" failed to compile. I tried compiling it seperately with "make package/feeds/packages/node-bleno/complile V=s" but got the following failure.

make[3]: *** [/home/tom/openwrt-yun/build_dir/target-mips_r2_uClibc-] Error 127
make[3]: Leaving directory /home/tom/openwrt-yun/feeds/packages/arduino/node-bleno' make[2]: *** [package/feeds/packages/node-bleno/compile] Error 2 make[2]: Leaving directory /home/tom/openwrt-yun'
make[1]: *** [/home/tom/openwrt-yun/staging_dir/target-mips_r2_uClibc-] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/tom/openwrt-yun'
make: *** [world] Error 2

if I went into "make menuconfig" and disabled blue tooth capabilities would this help to get me through the build?

I don't believe that there was anything wrong with the download of bleno-0.1.8.tgz because I went to a repository and manually downloaded it, put it into the dl directory and attempted to manually compile it. the same error occured. Something is wrong (I am guessing, with the make file).

Thank You (still not giving up).


./scripts/feeds uninstall erlang freeswitch remotefs...

Use same method "./scripts/feeds uninstall" to remove package.

if [ -z "$MAKE_JOBS" ]; then

Your correct command should be:

nice -n 10 nohup make -j 2 V=s &

Using hypervisor (virtaul box) compare with bear metal will lost % performance, and different type hypervisor will be vary. Worst case you got hit by 80%

(still not giving up).

Great! but not working for me. :wink: I am a type of person start project today and try to finished it yesterday.

So far I have had to uninstall, as per your instruction, "node-ws", "node-noble" and "" because at each of these compile points, the compile stopped.

Compiling now but I fully expect the compile to fail at another "node" point.

Does this type of failure suggest a pattern to you?

Thank You

nano ~/openwrt-yun/package/feeds/packages/node-ws/Makefile
define Package/node-ws
nano ~/openwrt-yun/package/feeds/packages/node-bleno/Makefile
define Package/node-bleno
  DEPENDS:=+node +bluez-libs
nano ~/openwrt-yun/package/feeds/packages/node/Makefile
define Package/node
  DEPENDS:=+libpthread +librt +uclibcxx +v8m-rb

make sure v8m-rb compiled, then node, then recompile "node-ws", "node-noble" and "" ...

Hi, I may have actually succeeded in building the software. I am not going to say that it was easy but the compile did finish without giving me an error message.

My question is, did it really finish successfully? There are a whole bunch of .bin files in the /bin directory that all seem to have the correct timestamp but I would not know which one of them to load?

Thank You