exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino/Genuino Uno.
I don´t know why this is happening, yesterday it was all working just fine, but today after installing a new library (New Ping), it persists in showing this compiling error. So i tried to uninstall the library, but the error don´t give up.
if someone could guess what is happening or show me some solution, i'd be really grateful...
That is not a compile problem, it is something wrong with the IDE installation. It is unable to run ar.exe, which is used to combine multipled compilation units into an object library. Your best bet is to un-install, then re-install the IDE. If it still doesn't work, then try compiling USING the IDE, rather than VisualStudio. It could be a bug in whatever you're using to launch Arduino compiles from VS.
Thanks for the advising man, but the Arduino IDE is giving me the same problem, i don´t know what i can do anymore, i have this project to deliver by the end of May, and now this is happening, i'm really discouraged right now...