I am in a Mac with ElCapitan operating system.
I am in Project 04 Color Mixing Lamp.
I have copied the Sketch out of the book and visually rechecked my work with no obvious problems transcribing the Sketch.
I get these errors compiling:
sketch_apr09b.ino: In function "void setup()":
sketch_apr09b.ino:16:11: error: "greenLEDPin" was not declared in this scope
sketch_apr09b.ino:17:11: error: "redLEDPin" was not declared in this scope
sketch_apr09b.ino:18:11: error: "blueLEDPin" was not declared in this scope
sketch_apr09b.ino: In function "void loop()":
sketch_apr09b.ino:41:15: error: "redLEDPin" was not declared in this scope
sketch_apr09b.ino:42:15: error: "greenLEDPin" was not declared in this scope
sketch_apr09b.ino:43:15: error: "blue LEDPin" was not declared in this scope
I would be very grateful if someone could tell me how "to declare" these pins.
Also inform me as to what "this scope" is.
How do I find out what my code or code tag is?
Your code is the stuff you typed into the Arduio IDE window. All the program you wrote. The code that produced those errors. That's what we want to see so maybe we stand some tiny chance of seeing where your error is.
Info on code tags can be found here: How to Use This Forum. See point #7 about code tags.
Since I don't know the answers to the questions about code, code tags and since I don't know how to upload the code to the Forum, I will withdraw my compiling problem for now and post it at a later date. cbcademd.
After you have typed your message, start the Arduino IDE if not already running and load or type in your code (sketch).
Right click in the editor window then left click [Select All].
Right click again then left click [Copy].
In the forum [New Topic] or [Reply] page, click the
code symbol in the upper left.
Right click in the box that appears then left click [Paste].
Your code is the stuff you typed into the Arduio IDE window. All the program you wrote. The code that produced those errors. That's what we want to see so maybe we stand some tiny chance of seeing where your error is.
Info on code tags can be found here: How to Use This Forum. See point #7 about code tags.
Did you see this post? Read that link and you'll get all the answers about posting code that you could possibly need.
Thanks to all of you who took time to inform me of the compiling problem, especially Outsider who showed me how to upload the code and who also found the problem with the code. I changed those three lower case p to P and that cured my problem. Thanks Outsider, you are a good person. cbcademd