compiling problem

Hi everybody!

First, sorry on my bad english :), and i must mention that i'm new at this stuff :slight_smile:

I'm working on my project whit GSM module to UNO over serial communication, and
i have problem when i try to compile-upload my code on my UNO when wires of communication line are connected on TX and RX.
When i remove wire from RX pin on UNO, i successfully upload my code.

Is the SoftwareSerial solution for that?

Is the SoftwareSerial solution for that?

this is one. Other is disconnect indeed when uploading, another one is get a more capable arduino with more than 1 Hardware Serial

i have problem when i try to compile-upload my code on my UNO when wires of communication line are connected on TX and RX.

The Rx and Tx pins (0 and 1) are used by hardware serial which is also used to upload sketches to the Uno, hence your problem.

You can solve this by disconnecting the GSM device when uploading as you have discovered but that is inconvenient and anyway, using pins 0 and 1 prevents using Serial for debugging.

You can use SoftwareSerial as an alternative to connect the GSM module to the Uno using pins other that 0 and 1

I understand...


just remember that SoftwareSerial can't go too fast in terms of bauds (would not go over 38400), depends on interruptions - so if you have other parts of your code using interruption, that might create conflicts.

There are also alternative to SoftwareSerial that might be better suited if you hit some of its limitations (documented in the SoftwareSerial ref page).