Complete Noob alert: Possible to reduce need for Arduino Leo in project?

Confusing title, sorry. Basically for work I have used a Leo to send some keystrokes over USB to an attached Windows client when a photo switch triggers it. Now I have to make 100 of them including enclosures.

I see that I can buy the ATMega chips and program them, but is that something I can do here? I'd like to reduce the per unit size and cost as much as possible, but not quite sure where to go to learn how to do that. Is this even possible, or will I need to purchase a Leo for each one?

Appreciate any help anyone can offer.

Depends on your intentions and how valuable you value your time. You could buy a Leo for each one and the sensors and a case etc. Alternatively you could buy just the chips (very cheap) and a programmer and program them all yourself and setup a perboard with needed components for each of the 100. If you intention is to sell these then invest time to make a PCB design but for just 100 use perf board.

Would the "AVR Programmer" components allow for this?

No intention to sell. I'm skirting close to conflict of interest with my employer as it is. Selling something would leap and bound over the line, hehe. This will just be a time saver type application. Was a good excuse to finally learn how to work with the Arduino starter kit I had for months.

Appreciate the help.

So you are going to build a 100 of these out of the goodness of your own heart? Who said philanthropy was dead :slight_smile:

Anyway I'd certainly to a PCB for that many. Then program the ATmega32u4 chips yourself with a $20 programmer.


You sure you need a Leonardo for this? An ATTiny (e.g. Digispark) can handle it if there aren't too many inputs/outputs to deal with.

Once I can prove concept to them, and it works in their application, they'll buy all the parts. What I get out of it is less boredom at work and the chance to learn the arduino platform XD.

I chose the Leo because it emulated a keyboard out of the box, but freely admit there are probably better ways about going about it, ways unknown to my lack of knowledge.

Can the attiny emulate an HID device like the Leo? If so, that's perfect.

Appreciate the replies and help!

Can the attiny emulate an HID device like the Leo? If so, that's perfect.

Plenty of information on the Digispark site.