I don't know how did I brick it but this is what happens:
Once I connect the Arduino Yùn to the USB it gets started ( or at least it looks like it does ). After that, I can upload sketches with no error, but they won't run.
I've pressed twice the 32u4 switch and PIN13 blinks a couple of seconds. After that, nothing happens.
WIFI reset ( 5 secs ) does nothing.
WIFI reset ( 30 secs to reset ) does nothing.
Yun Reset does nothing.
Yun seems not to get any IP when it's connected to the Ethernet port.
I got the same issue, also my WLAN led is blinking every once in a while for a minute or so.. I can try to reset the thing, but there's no default arduino-yun- wifi network broadcasting.. =(
But what does it mean? Your suggestion to mail support@arduino.cc does not give me any confidence other than to know that I actually broke it..
Wlan led blinking is normal and expected: it's your yun trying to connect to the configured wifi. If it blinks for 60 seconds it will then reboot and get back as access point
If you've upgraded your yun, once the usb led become bright white, keep the WLAN RST button pressed for, say, 7 seconds (it's 5 but people tend to count faster when they are under pressure): it will reset your wireless configuration and get back as access point.
I have the same issue, I emailed the Arduino.cc support with a full description of the issue and none of the proposals made in here did solve the issue. I am still awaiting feedback from Aeduino.cc support.
I have the same issue, I emailed the Arduino.cc support with a full description of the issue and none of the proposals made in here did solve the issue. I am still awaiting feedback from Aeduino.cc support.
I thin this is a Yùn software stability issue.
Is the USB LED very dim when you power on the Yun?