I have no tools whatsoever, i have literally one kit https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0188TO4VU/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I have done what I can with it. I recently but a smart car and an official leonardo board.... then realized I need 2 motor shields in order to use the smart car.
This made me realize that I am not very prepared to build any real projects. What tools(like screwdrivers and crap) do you use and what modules do you feel are most important to get early on.
I would appreciate any advice at all, related or unrelated.
I have no tools whatsoever, i have literally one kit https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0188TO4VU/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I have done what I can with it. I recently but a smart car and an official leonardo board.... then realized I need 2 motor shields in order to use the smart car.
This made me realize that I am not very prepared to build any real projects. What tools(like screwdrivers and crap) do you use and what modules do you feel are most important to get early on.
I would appreciate any advice at all, related or unrelated.
- LiPo Batteries/charger
- Servos
- LOTS of 22 AWG wire
- Wire strippers
- Soldering iron/cleaning brass
- PCB holder (to hold board while soldering)
- Multimeter (get a good one; don't skimp)
- Small proto boards with built in pads link
- Resistor/Capacitor kit (might even want a sectioned bin to keep them all sorted)
The rest is up to you and what type of projects you want to make. What are you interested in?