Complicated idea?

I'm about to build a CNC machine with 3 axis, got all mechanical accept end switches and spindle (for starting it will be a Dremel but if I get all to work and find it possible to make some ideas happen, then it will be upgraded with proper spindle).
Using Uno and CNC shield (got a mega as well if my idea is to big for Uno).
And a old laptop running CNC Linux for generating and send g-code.
Have only experience for building, soldering electronic so new area for me.

My idea was to be able to ad a jog wheel, a display, led-diods and a few buttons/switches to be able to set all axis manually.

One switch for choosing manual or from computer.

Switch (got 6-way switch so it could be one for each X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+ & Z-) to choose axis and led showing what axis is active.

Jog wheel is connected to display so you see how many steps you choose.

And a button to press for sending your chosen settings one axis at time.

Would that be possible to do?
On Uno or Mega (if understand correctly then I can't put CNC shield directly onto Mega as pins different)?

An even more difficult idea is to combine CNC, 3d printer and laser engraver but my guess is that it would take 3 Uno (one for each task) and a lot of work.. and I might never use all 3 in same product.

My idea was to be able to ad a jog wheel, a display, led-diods and a few buttons/switches to be able to set all axis manually.

Can't you do all the jogging etc. from your PC screen?

Assuming you are running GRBL on the Arduino I suspect that modifying it to respond to switches would be a big undertaking - certainly not for a beginner.


There are a few recent threads in this section that would be worth you looking at.
All GRBL based so a lot of great info in them.

My only worry about using dremels is the vibration and wear and tear on them.
They are not really designed for long periods of use so you may end up with a dead one PDQ.

This one is worth a few moments of your time.

And another worth a peek.

This one too !

Oh and the extra buttons idea is doable as there are a few examples on the web but it requires another Arduino.

Oh and the extra buttons idea is doable as there are a few examples on the web but it requires another Arduino.

I presume the second Arduino generates GCode that corresponds to the button presses?


I presume the second Arduino generates GCode that corresponds to the button presses?


yep you guessed right.

I looked at adding a pendant myself but decided it was over complicated compared to using the GUI.

Linux-CNC itself is very general and should be able to do everything you want, including generating step/direction
so long as you have a compatible interface. In the old days a parallel port was suitable.