Complilation goes slowly

I use Wemos D1 Mini based project. I work on two computers running Wimdows 11. When I compile my code, it takes about 15 seconds on one of them while on the other - it takes 2 minutes!!!. Any idea what may cause that difference?

I would say even different architecture will not cause a two minutes difference, but background apps running on the slow one will.

Does the IDE have the system focus? (click anywhere on the IDE window to give the IDE the focus)

If this happens once per restart, check if the IDE is downloading upgraded support package (lower right of IDE).

Out of ideas.

Significantly different processors? Misconfigured anti-virus scanning every file used?

Which version of the IDE?

Yep. the IDE has the system focus. It happanse since the project started. I don't remember how the IDE worked on my previous project.

Both of the computers running (almost) the same application and specifically the same AV.

What version IDE?

Thanks.. Tom.. :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

I use 1.8.13 on both. The slower PC runs Win 11 Pro, I5-10210U
The second one (laptop) tuns Win 11 Pro, I7-1165G7

Go up to 1.8.19

I had some speed problems until I updated to 19.

Tom.. :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

Moved to a more suitable category.

tnx I'll give a try.


It's possible that background apps or system configurations on the slower computer are causing the longer compilation time. Make sure the IDE has the system focus and check for any misconfigured anti-virus programs. Also, consider comparing the processors of the two computers. Knowing the IDE version could be helpful. If the issue persists, compare system configurations, installed software, and recent changes on the slower computer.
Good luck :grinning:

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