Components for a small project?

Hello Guys :slight_smile:

A newbie here ::slight_smile:

I'm trying to prototype a new project using an Arduino USB board. It is very simple; 8 LEDs are connected to the board with a push button. Each press on the button causes one LED to turn on. This behavior continues till all LEDs are on.

Now, in my shopping cart, I have:

Arduino USB Board
Mini Push Button Switch
One 10k pull-up resistor
Eight Basic LED - Red
5V DC to DC Step Up - 2xAA
Breadboard Small Self-Adhesive

Is there anything else I need?

It's best if you have a current limiting resistor on each led, depending on the specs for the leds 220 to 330 is common.

Thank Franklin.

So, I only need current limiting resistors and that is it? Will the 5V DC to DC Step Up be enough to power the circuit?

You would have to determine your power needs and the capabilities of the stepup device you purchase to make that decision.

Will the 5V DC to DC Step Up be enough to power the circuit?

Not knowing the exact part your buying, if your looking at something like this -

  • you should be fine. It delivers 200Ma. From memory, the Arduino takes about 60Ma and red LEDs with 330 Ohm resistors about 9-10mA each.
    So 60 + (8x10) = 140 mA - less than the 200mA.
    (220 Ohm resistors would use about 13mA/led, so your still OK.)

[edit]Note, if you go this way, you would power the Arduino from the 5V pin and not the power jack.[/edit]

And before ordering LEDs from sparkfun, take a look at one of the chinese suppliers like :wink:

It's the same LEDs anyway.