So, i got a usb to serial programmer of ebay to be able to program my atmega328 on a breadboard. I have been trying to use the arduino environment to burn the bootloader, but my computer will not recognize the usb drive. When i plug in my arduino uno, the computer recognizes it and i can upload programs the the arduino no problem.
Does anyboady know how to fix this? if not, is there anyway i can use the arduino uno as a programmer to burn the bootloader to my atmega and then upload programs to it?
Does a com port appear in tools -> port? If not, you have not installed drivers. It's probably a CH340G or CP2102 based adapter - check the markings on the chip on the adapter. Google that part number, your OS, and the word "drivers", download and install.
If you do get a com port but it doesn't work to upload, provide details of the error you get. Is the chip bootloaded?