Computer Overvoltage/Current protection

A few months ago i was messing around with a CNC shield. I was fully aware of the risk, but that is not the point. I did things i should not have, and suddenly my laptop blacked out never to see the lght of day again. When i press the powerbutton i get a beep, and nothing more. I asume that either the powersupply or most of the motherboard is useless, alltho i did manage to recover my harddrive. I would prefer this not happend again, so i ask:
Is there any way i can potect my computer?
My original thougt was a fuse, but if there is a voltage spike, i doubt it would make too much of a difference. The only way i can see to be completly safe would be some kind of wireless usb hub (bluetooth, wifi or usb transmitter). I have googled and i have failed, so again i ask: Can i get a refrence to such a product or a different way to protect my computer?

You could always use an isolated USB adapter, something like this