Hi, I am trying to connect the Opta to my local Ethernet network for the first time. I want to connect to it and set it up as a ModbusTCP server. I am not able to ping the IP address and there are no no link/activity lights on the Opta when connected to the switch, however there are activity lights on the switch port. Occasionally bot the link/activity lights on the Opta flash red.
I following the tutorial opta-modbus-tcp-plc-ide
I am fairly new at this - I got my Opta out of the box, wired it up to power and a couple Discrete IO contacts, got it connected to Arduino PLC IDE, made LEDs flash, and time of day logic to control a relay. Now I would like to set it up as a ModbusTCP server to communicate with a Pi ModbusTCP client. Uncommenting the sketch scripts and configuring the network IP information didn't seem to do anything. I have tried setting up the ethernet port connection as well without luck.
void setup()
// Configure static IP address
IPAddress ip(192, 168, 1, 170);
IPAddress dns(8, 8, 8, 8);
IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 1, 1);
IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);
// If cable is not connected this will block the start of PLC with about 60s of timeout!
Ethernet.begin(ip, dns, gateway, subnet);
void loop()